Saturday, August 05, 2006

What Do You Know? Red Wine Antioxidant is Best for Age-Related Diseases

The fact that antioxidants are our best bet to fight against a host of age- related diseases is true. Everyday more benefits are added from the millions of research studies that are conducted on these wonder elements. It has been accepted world wide that an antioxidant rich diet will extend life expectancy by as much as 15-20 years, which is great by any standards.

We get antioxidants from a host of fruits and vegetables, each doing some specific task in sealing the body from the harm of the free radicals. The red wine antioxidant is one that targets and benefits the heart. There are many ingredients which actually work individually and in combination to make the heart stronger. The most active antioxidant alternatives are the flavonoids, and the resveratrol.

Why Do They Say a Red Wine Antioxidant is Good For the Heart?

In order to understand how it works, we have to look at the ingredients separately. The flavonoids are found (besides the red wine) in plenty in nuts, spices, seeds, coffee, and yellow vegetables or fruits. This element is extremely potent against bad cholesterol. At the same time, it promotes the formation of good cholesterol and reduces blood clotting which is one of the common reasons for heart attacks in geriatric persons.

The other active antioxidant ingredient is the resveratrol. This is found mostly in the skin of black grapes and in red wine. You will also find this in raspberries and peanuts. This antioxidant helps to fight against blood clotting, aids the regeneration of nerve cells, and prevents a host of cancers. This ingredient literally fights cancer since it can intervene successfully in all three cancer stages, i.e. first stage, promotion stage, and progress stage. It is also very active against infections, and swelling. It dilates blood vessels and reduces blood clots. In other words, it is just great overall health of your heart and body.

The only Reason Red Wine is Good For You, Is Because Of The Red Wine Antioxidant

There are many sayings that are popular around food habits. They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I do not know how true that it, but daily consumption of one or two glasses of red wine is definitely beneficial for you. You need to start today so the red wine antioxidant can be part of your arsenal against many diseases, that are more likely to attack you as and when you age. In the end, it’s not wise to drink too much, but making sure you drink red wine moderately will help ensure a better future for you.

Online Antioxidant Vitamin for Busy People

As time goes on our schedules have grown more hectic as compared to life fifty, forty, and even thirty years ago, we have “instant everything” and need our everyday lives to be compact and portable so that we can keep pace with the world. This includes our meals and health; we take pills and vitamins in place of getting the real stuff. How many of us really have the time to eat a home cooked meal with all the food everyday? When time is short to even run to the store to grab something, eating right is hard to do. That’s why being able to get online antioxidant vitamin pills is a real benefit for time.

Convenient in Every Way

Technology is amazing, you can order books, clothes, antiques and everything imaginable online, so why not your dietary supplements too? It’s really very simple to get your online antioxidant vitamin supplements, all you need to do is a computer and a few clicks later you will soon have a bottle of antioxidants. That’s not even the best part of ordering online antioxidant vitamins.

Even if you did have time to eat well, how many servings of antioxidants are you getting? Ordering a bottle of online antioxidant vitamin pills is just so much easier, all you need is to swallow one pill and you’re set for the day. Since the manufacturers take care of the dosage you don’t have to worry that you’re not getting enough, and let’s face it, what’s the point of even bothering to include antioxidants in your diet if you don’t get enough? It’s just much simpler to take it in capsule form.

Helping Your Body Stay Young

With all the stress of work and family we often start to age faster than we should. Wrinkles and stress lines start to spring up from all that hair pulling and teeth gnashing, our skin looks lacklustre from being indoors behind a monitor screen all day. Basically modern life is not friendly to our bodies and our looks. What’s the point of working so hard for money if you’re going to look haggard and pale before your time?

Besides preventing disease, antioxidants also help to slow the aging process. As you may have noticed, many skin creams contain vitamin E to help combat wrinkles and lines. You can benefit even more by actually consuming antioxidants instead of just applying antioxidants to your skin topically. So what are you waiting for? Get your hands on some online antioxidant vitamin supplements and feel the benefits today.

What is the Best Nutritional Antioxidant Supplement for a Dog?

Like humans, dogs need a good share of antioxidants in order to keep healthy and active. Most of the ready-made dog foods available in the market add sufficient minerals, antioxidants, and other important nutrients in their composition. However, for those who cook food for their dogs, a nutritional antioxidant supplement for a dog needs to be added to the dog’s diet from time to time.

Basic Nutrients and Nutritional Antioxidant Supplement for a Dog

A dog needs quite a few things in its diet in order to stay healthy, active and age well over the years. The most basic requirements are described below:

Water .– no meals is ever complete without water. Ensure that your dog always has plenty of water in its easy access. Dogs usually drink a lot of water, but most reject dirty and polluted water. Be sure you change their water twice a day.

Carbohydrates .– like humans without carbohydrates there is no actual source of energy and the dogs will become dull and uninterested with it surroundings.

Fat .– this is imperative for building strength and helps greatly in the absorption of nutrients; a word of warning here, do not overdo the fat feeding because it might create complication in the dog.

Proteins .– this is the must if you want your dog to have a healthy and shiny coat; without adequate protein intake dogs as well as cats van develop acute heart problems.

Vitamins and minerals .– ensure that your pet has an adequate intake on Vitamin E and C. This helps build the immunity of the body.

Lastly, you need to add a good nutritional antioxidant supplement for a dog in order to ensure that it stays healthy. Antioxidants help in regeneration of cells and keep the dog active and healthy. It might not be possible to provide the required antioxidants in the meals of your dog; hence the best way to ensure that it has the right intake is to use the nutritional antioxidant supplement for a dog. These are ready made, economical and extremely efficient.

Your dog, like you, needs the right blend of nutrients in order to stay healthy and happy. Since, it is in your care, you will need to ensure that it has access to all the nutrients required. The reward of having a healthy and happy pet dog is exceptionally thrilling. Ensure that your dog stays healthy with the right type of nutrient intake and proper exercise.

Natural Antioxidant and its Healing Powers!

Our body faces many enemies everyday, and all of them can bring down our health within minutes if they are able to attack our body system. These oxygen-based enemies can be very harmful and destructive to our body. It is equivalent to a car’s body getting rusted and oxidized due to exposure to the oxygen in the air.

Our body needs powerful protection against all these, and to fight against them we need aids and supplements. And that is why we need antioxidants which are powerful protection to our body. Antioxidants are generally defined as compounds that protect against cell damage caused by molecules called radicals, which are a major cause of aging, tissue damage, cell deaths and diseases. This antioxidant can be found in many natural food, fruits and plants.

Antioxidant and its Common Existence

Natural antioxidant is naturally occurring phytonutrients found in certain food and natural sources. Some food sources that supply natural antioxidant would include garlic, spinach, berries such as cranberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries, plums, grapes, soy, cereal, nuts, spices, carrots, apples, dried fruits, peaches, mangos, melons and many other types of vegetables and fruits.

These food sources contain natural antioxidant, which is found in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, vitamin A, carotene, copper, manganese, zinc, lipoic acid, glutathione, certain enzymes and other compounds such as bioflavonoids and sulfur-containing amino acids.

The Benefits of Antioxidants

A Natural antioxidant has many benefits. A few that can be named would be protection against cancer, vision and optics, cardiovascular diseases, and diabetes mellitus. Other than that, natural antioxidants which provide high level of phytonutrients have been found to help increase sperm output in men, give protection against HIV virus and many more.

Specifically these foods containing natural antioxidants give powerful protection and reduce the risks against optical diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, and many other retinal problems. Besides that, antioxidants, which can be found in all the fruits and plants, would also help to protect from cancer and radiation-induced carcinogenesis.

The natural antioxidant found in citric fruits can help to reduce the risks of getting ischemic heart disease, stroke, kidney problems, and many other heart disorders. Not stopping there, antioxidants also help to enhance our nerve system and protect it against various neurological problems.

As we know, our body is prone to many tissue injuries and cell deaths due to exposure to too much of oxygen everyday. And to protect these cells and tissues, we need this natural antioxidant as our main source of supplements.

Understanding the Mega Antioxidant Benefits and Risks

Mega antioxidant, antioxidant food complex, or antioxidant tea; which really is good for you and how much should you consume?

Cracking the Code

Eating right and exercising is never easy. Having a good knowledge of what goes on with your body, what is right for you and when, is even harder. However, you have only one body and the efforts are well worth it in the end if you take care of it. Educating yourself is easy nowadays with the vast information available online at anyone’s finger tips.

Antioxidants help our body to function reversing damages caused by other components such as free radicals. Free radicals can severely damage our body by causing serious diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s. Free radicals are created by our body when the process of oxidation takes place; by itself the free radical is not harmful however, it soon corrupts other cells transforming them in free radicals as well. By transforming the cells the free radicals damage them beyond function thus, bringing on diseases and premature aging.

Here, mega antioxidants steps in to rescue. They not only throw out the free radicals from the body but at the same time repair the damage and reversing its effects.

The Hunt is On

Antioxidants are all around us, available in: fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs, plants and tea. Mega antioxidant can be created by us by combining any of those products between themselves. For example, you can get mega antioxidant by mixing orange juice, carrot juice, lemon juice and green tea. However, to make all this tasty you can get such drinks already mixed in any drug store or sometimes regular supermarkets.

The same can be done with vegetables by combining them you can get mega antioxidant. Also, this can be done with grains with fruits and so on, the list is endless.

One can also get mega antioxidant as pills just like vitamins however, be aware not to over do it. Yes, that too is possible when taking vitamin supplements. Vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A is usually present in any mega antioxidant complex; over dosing on vitamins such as vitamin E can bring give you some harmful side effects.

The best way to make sure you are on the right track is to inform yourself. Consult your doctor and/or get as much information as possible on the subject. Ask questions when you are not sure about something especially when it comes to your health.

Mega antioxidant should be part of your daily diet to improve your health and life span. You will notice the difference soon in your appearance and in your general health.

The Greatest Health Benefit of Antioxidants

What are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants are one type of nutrients which help the body fight against the oxidative harm to the cells caused by free radicals (reactive oxygen species – which are usually a by-product of the body turning oxygen into energy). Free radicals are produced in many ways in today’s world especially when the body is exposed to pollutants, car exhaust, cigarette smoke, and other similar things.

Antioxidants are of many types, and these usually work best when complemented by other antioxidants (synergy of antioxidants). There are many examples of antioxidants – vitamin C, the tripeptide glutathione (an amino acid), and methionine are all examples of antioxidants.

Health Benefits

Antioxidants mostly protect the body from aging and aging-related diseases. There are three major health benefits of antioxidants and these are:

fights the damage caused by the free radicals
protects the cells from being damaged
prevents to a very large extent crippling diseases that usually come with aging

The above reasons will definitely highlight the importance of having plenty of antioxidants in our day-to-day diet as it makes the health benefits of antioxidants very apparent. Without the antioxidants, the cells ion our bodies would succumb to the aging process much faster and hence fast-forwarding degenerating diseases of organs and tissues, inviting early death.

The best way to enjoy the health benefits of antioxidants is to have plenty of antioxidant rich foods such as nuts, berries, fruits and green vegetables, so as to ensure that the body has sufficient ammunition to fight against cell damage, infections and free radicals caused by the millions of pollutants in the air today. You need to find out which food you enjoy the best that have a good amount of antioxidants, and make it a habit of consuming a sufficient amount daily.

Besides the above described health benefits of antioxidants you have a bonus. Antioxidants also slow down aging. Hence, those who have a rich antioxidant diet, will also slow down the majority of aging signs such as wrinkles, loose skin, etc. This is one advantage that comes as a by-product and one on which most women capitalize greatly. This is why today most of the cosmetics have antioxidants added to it, so as to maintain the suppleness of the facial skin and fight wrinkles. Hence, antioxidants not only keep you healthy, but also beautiful and safe from the ravages of aging.

Numerous Health Benefits from The Green Tea Antioxidant

The people of Japan have enjoyed the health benefits of the green tea antioxidant for centuries; the benefits of green tea are just starting to catch on in the West. Similar to the effect that red wine has in the diet of the French, green tea can be attributed to low numbers of heart disease and cancer in Japan. Green tea has many benefits to a person’s health, including weight loss! This is all due to the powerful green tea antioxidant that is in all green teas.

Combating Free Radicals

Oxygen is a vital to the body’s proper function; oxygen helps us to burn glucose and fat to give us energy. However, sometimes oxygen can be converted into free radicals; an inordinate amount of free radicals in the body can lead to diseases. Free radicals change the way your cells code genetic material and step up the pace on the aging process. Too many free radicals in the system can also cause cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure; all nasty degenerative diseases that we want to avoid.

Green tea contains four main polyphenols that are collectively called catechins. The most potent green tea antioxidant is epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG); this antioxidant blocks the effect that cancer-inducing chemicals have on the body; the other catechins that benefit in the same way are EC2, ECG, and EGC. All these antioxidants are effective in preventing cancer, heart disease, and lowering blood pressure.

Statistics and studies in China and Japan show that there is a definite reduced risk of cancer in those who drink green tea. This is the reason that Japan has the highest rate of smokers; almost 75% of men in Japan are smokers, yet at the same time there is a very low rate of lung cancer in Japan. The risk of gastric and oesophageal cancer is also significantly reduced with the consumption of green tea and its green tea antioxidant.

Green Tea is Best

You may be thinking that green tea can’t be that much different from other teas, surely black teas have the same properties as green tea. That’s where you’re wrong. Although green tea comes from the same plant as black teas, the processing of green tea leaves is significantly different from that of black teas.

Green tea is merely steamed, leaving its health properties intact, whereas black teas are fermented; the fermentation leeches away the health benefits that the original leaves might have, thus black teas lack the potency of the green tea antioxidant. Green tea is also a milder tasting tea that does not need the addition of milk, which is thought to make antioxidants in tea less effective. To think all that goodness in a cup actually tastes good without adding anything!

Free Radical Antioxidant and The Fight Against Time

Our body, to function properly, does many do many things, such as, cellular metabolism, also known as body-cell function. While doing this, the cells in our body produce a waste-like element called free radicals. These radicals get electrons from proteins, DNA and cell membranes, thus damaging the tissues. Free radicals lead to aging, muscle damage, weak immune system, diseases and many more, if left untreated.

Antioxidants in our food

To counter the actions of the radicals, we need to have free radical antioxidant in our body, either by food or supplement intakes. This free radical antioxidant counters this process by fixing the free radicals and converting them into harmless elements in the body; at the same time repairing the muscle, tissue or cell damages.

Free radical antioxidants are mostly comprised of common antioxidant foods, such as fruits, vegetables and plants. Some of it would include spinach, carrots, red bell peppers, tomatoes, cranberries, raspberries, blueberries, and strawberries, plums, grapes, soy, apples, dried fruits, peaches, mangos, melons and many more.

Basically, free radical antioxidant elements can be found in any food containing vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium or carotene, lipoic acid, ubiquinone or coenzyme Q10, glutathione, tea polyphenols (mainly green tea) and many more.

Fighting against Radicals

Vitamin C, which is also known as ascorbic acid, is a very strong free radical antioxidant and also helps in wound healing and enhancing our immune system. Generally, the lack of vitamin C in our body leads to scurvy, a painful disease. This causes fragile skin and bleeding gums. Thus, we need intake of common fruits such as papaya, apples, oranges, bananas, grapes and oranges, and all kinds of vegetables, especially those with bright colours.

Ubiquinone, or also known as coenzyme Q10 is a type of nutrient that we necessarily need in our body to keep our cells, especially skin cells clean, fair, smooth, clear and healthy. This nutrient can be found in certain fishes and shell fishes.

Glutathione is another type of antioxidant, which is produced by amino acids, eysteine, glycine and glutamic acid. Basically any food that contains high level of protein has this free radical antioxidant agent inside.

Lipoic Acid is another type of nutrient required by our body to fight against all the radicals. This acid is converted into dihydrolipoic acid in the cells, thus helping to protect the cells from any damage and distortion.

To conclude, free radicals in our body should be killed, or at least kept tame, because if they are not controlled, they cause severe damage such as genetic mutation, heart and blood vessel diseases, cellular enzyme damages, nerve and brain damage, arthritis, asthma, infertility and many more. For this, we need to take free radical antioxidant agents that can be found in many natural resources.

There is So Much Good in Food Rich in Antioxidants

There has been so much excitement about the use of antioxidants in the anti-aging process. For a long time, nobody really found out or concentrated on the other health aspects that the antioxidants are so beneficial for, like preventing age-related diseases and at times, even curing some of them, such as arthritis.

Where do we get our antioxidants from?

Antioxidants are available in a number of forms, both naturally and synthetically; however, our best source for antioxidants is the food we take in every day. There are many different types of food rich in antioxidants which can be heavily capitalized upon so that each one of us can get the maximum amount of antioxidants into our system.

The use of food rich in antioxidants to complement our intake is actually the best we can do to protect ourselves from the ravages of old age. It has been proven beyond doubt through a number of medical research studies in different continents, that a regular intake of antioxidants can actually save you from the Alzheimer’s disease that has been such a concern for the past decade or so all over the world. There has been radical improvement to the already sick patients when fed on food rich in antioxidants, over a period of 6-12 months.

What food is termed as food rich in antioxidants?

Some of the most powerful antioxidants available on earth are the vitamins C and E. These cannot be called directly as food rich in antioxidants; however fruits and vegetables that contain these can definitely be termed as such. These would be citrus fruits (lemon, orange, etc), cabbage, kiwi fruit, sprouts, grains, milk and milk products, eggs (the yolk), and nuts.

Other items that can be counted as food rich in antioxidants, but are not exactly containing vitamins, are the humble potato, red beans, blue berries (and as a matter of fact, all type of berries), cereals, artichokes, pecans, cinnamon, and cloves which can do so much good if they are included in the day-to-day diet of people.

The best way indeed to get antioxidants into the blood is with the help of food rich in antioxidants. The benefits of the antioxidants really have no boundaries today. They help with the prevention of almost all the diseases that affect you after 65 years of age; at the same time they are known to have helped greatly in the treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer. Concentrate your diet on food rich in antioxidants from today on for the rest of your life.

Food High in Antioxidants and the Need for Our Daily Diet

Oxidation is a process that harms our body’s cell function. A small portion of the cells get damaged during this process and turns into free radicals, a sort of molecular garbage. And these free radicals can start a chain reaction to alter or damage more cells and tissues in the body, promoting aging, and possibly lead to various diseases. To protect against this, we need to have antioxidants in our body.

Antioxidants can be vastly found in many natural sources of food and supplements. Food high in antioxidants can help our body to self-prepare against the attacks of various distortions of cells and diseases. Lack of antioxidants in our body can lead to heart diseases, chronic infections, stroke, cataracts, Alzheimer's disease and even cancer. To fight against the coming of these diseases, we must intake a lot of food high in antioxidants everyday.

Some examples of food high in antioxidants would include fruits, cereals, vegetables that contain vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and carotene. Below are some group of foods that contain these nutrients or antioxidants respectively.

Natural Resources

First group of food high in antioxidants are fruits and vegetables containing carotene. Fruits containing carotene has nutrients such as such as beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein. Some examples of the fruits and vegetables in this group would be papaya, lettuce, tomatoes, beets, sweet potato, carrot, broccoli spinach and red bell pepper.

Second group of food high in antioxidants are foods containing vitamin C. vitamin C helps to neutralize free radicals and protect against muscle, cell and tissue damage. Some examples of fruits containing vitamin C are papaya, prunes, raisins, apples, pink grapefruit, oranges, berries, bananas, and grapes. Some examples of vegetables in the list are broccoli, spinach, red ball pepper, cantaloupe, tomatoes, potatoes, and many other high ranking vegetables.

Another group of food high in antioxidants are foods containing vitamin E, which helps to maintain cell membrane integrity and keep those cells healthy. The foods which fall under this category would include sunflower, sunflower seeds, almonds, almond oil, wheat germ, as well as hazelnut and safflower oil.

Daily diet and meals

Besides that, others sources of food high in antioxidants would include sea algae, pine bark, milk thistle, ginkgo biloba, quercetin, grape seed extract and many more. These foods, though not so famous, can be found in common market place. Dieticians and food experts advise that they should be included in our daily food as supplements.

Here are some suggestions to have in your daily meal to ensure that all the natural resources above would be included. These variants of food high in antioxidants are very much advisable for those who are physically weak and have tissue healing problems. They are; oatmeal, cranberry juice, salmon, yam soup, lemon water, yogurt, orange juice, garlic in your cooking, eggplant, baked potatoes, green tea and many more.

Dark Chocolate Antioxidant is a Tasty Alternative for Good Health

Whoever said that you cannot mix business with pleasure did not know about the medicinal properties of dark chocolate. Actually, for a lot of people, chocolate is just a pleasure that one indulges in when he or she is a child, is depressed, or even very happy. Now you can add one more reason to that list, which is that dark chocolate can help us to stay healthy.

Why Does a Dark Chocolate Antioxidant Exist?

This answer is easy. The dark chocolate’s main ingredient is cocoa; darker chocolate is comprised of more cocoa than milk chocolate. Of course you are free to take it in any form (I am referring to the cocoa); fresh powder, which actually has the most antioxidants, or mixed with milk and in the form of dark chocolate. Definitely, the dark chocolate is the greatest of all of the alternatives.

Is This Good News?

For those who will want to use this information as a justification for feasting on dark chocolate, remember that the dark chocolate antioxidant comes with some negative effects as it has a high amount of fat and calories. I am sure that you would not want to have antioxidants in exchange of a huge weight gain problem.

Knowing that there is a dark chocolate antioxidant is indeed great news, if you remember to have it in moderation. Actually, an ounce a day will do to get you the antioxidants that are required from your body. Anything over an ounce, and you may find yourself with a problem.

What Does The Dark Chocolate Antioxidant Actually Do?

The dark chocolate antioxidant helps in cleaning the arterial plaque, removes blood clots, makes the arteries flexible, and promotes healthy blood flow. All of these together and separately, promote a healthier circulation system and good heart condition as we age.

The dark chocolate antioxidant has helped many people live normally again after regularizing their heart problems. It is an excellent heat stroke preventative, mostly because it acts directly on the arteries to increase their flexibility and the blood by decreasing the clot formation. Together, these properties help to keep the heart going for a long, long time.

Antioxidants can prolong life for 15-20 years and chocolate is tasty. So, why not combine these two and have a tasty way to keep healthy? Remember though, anything more than one ounce a day, will work against you.

Answers to Coffee Antioxidant Questions

As you are reading the title of this article, what do you think? I am sure that you are not too sure whether or not you can consider coffee antioxidant as the beneficial, or pray that it is. For many out there who were always berated to cut down on coffee because it is the cause of a million and one diseases and complications, here it is at last something that you can justify your intake with. It is true that coffee has compounds that are powerful enough antioxidants to consider the coffee antioxidant an important and viable one.

There have been studies who have confirmed the existence of the coffee antioxidant, so much so that now it is recommended in many cases as a beneficial dietary intake. It is found that the amount of antioxidants available in the coffee bean is greatly enhanced by the roasting process. Without being roasted, some coffee beans have higher antioxidant content than others, though how to use them without roasting is not really understood.

Once the coffee beans are roasted, they become more or less equal in their capacity to be used as antioxidants. The coffee antioxidant is indeed good news for those who have been nagged for ever to cut back on the habit. However, it is not exactly known how much should be used as an antioxidant food. Until the next scientific bulletin comes out, you should continue to drink it as you are presently.

How Much is Too Much?

Many times medical reports have indicated that overdoing the intake of coffee can cause insomnia, chronic hyper blood pressure, heart disease, and other complications. However, with the promotion of a coffee antioxidant which is definitely a positive effect from the use of coffee, the question arises – how much is actually too much? How much is safe to drink it so as to benefit from it?

Unfortunately, this information is not openly available. There is no diagram which says that drinking a particular number of cups of coffee will actually promote your health since you will be introducing the coffee antioxidant to your system. In absence of evidence, we should prefer to think that coffee drank in moderation is not actually a bad idea. In case you love coffee and relish some 3-4 cups a day, there is no reason as to why you should cut the habit. However, if you are gulping down a more than a few cups a day, whatever the benefit of the coffee antioxidant, you could be harmed by its intake. So take care to maintain a proper balance.

Is It Really True That There Exists a Cancer Antioxidant?

This question may be difficult to answer immediately. It is a well known fact that antioxidants prevent cancer and fight successfully against its spread inside the body. There are a great number of research studies who have indeed proven this beyond any doubt. However, any particular antioxidant can be called a cancer antioxidant.

Though research studies are definitely conclusive on the fact that cancer can be prevented and treated with the help of the antioxidants, which particular antioxidant is the most helpful in this battle, so as to name it as a cancer antioxidant, is yet to be found.

Which are the foods which contain antioxidants that would benefit the cancer patient?

There is a lot of antioxidant rich food out there, and one should learn to incorporate into these foods into one’s diet as much as possible. The best sources of antioxidants that are beneficial in the face of cancer are the guava, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, papaya, carrots, and others among the vegetables. You also have spinach, broccoli, green peppers (the red ones too), tomatoes, and turnips. Among the fruits, you have all the berries, kiwi fruit, plums, and all the nuts.

Is There a Possibility of Cancer In the Family?

Today, this is not a really difficult question to answer. Look back into your family history. If you find anyone who had cancer who is related to you, then you are in the high risk bracket.

“Related to you” means it could be your mother, your grandmother, your first cousin, your aunt, your uncle, and so on. In case this is so, you do indeed need to be careful that you have in your diet a great deal of cancer antioxidant components to keep you healthy.

Since antioxidants are good at preventing other diseases as well, besides improving and maintaining your looks, it will be good if you choose to shift to a diet which includes plenty of food which has the cancer antioxidant. If you need it fine, in case you do not need to fight cancer, it will still fight something else.

Antioxidants are never harmful; even if taken in excess. Hence, you should be eating as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Helping you with cancer prevention is an added bonus, while ordinarily the antioxidants help us all fight against age and problems associated with older age.

Blue Berry Antioxidant is One of the Greatest Things Known to Man

Most of us know the blue berry as the ingredient of the most common pie in America. How many of us knew that this modest fruit houses two of the most powerful antioxidant elements, i.e. vitamins E and C? There are too many uses and benefits from ingesting the blue berry antioxidant to discuss them in detail in this short article. The main uses however, will be highlighted here:

the blue berry antioxidant helps in fighting cancer; it also prevents it as well as delays its onset. Antioxidants have proven as powerful treatment elements in the fight against cancer through may medical research studies the blue berry antioxidant also prevents to a very large extent the onset of the Alzheimer’s disease as well as the Parkinson’s diseases in senior citizens the blue berry antioxidant also helps you in controlling the levels of cholesterol and thereby prevent heart attacks;
it reduces greatly the risks and complications of urinary infections it has also
been found that the blue berry antioxidant improves eye sight greatly overall the blue berry antioxidant fights tooth and nail with the radicals to prevent aging of the cells and tissues, thereby preventing most of the debilitating diseases that are age-related.

The above list is by no means exhaustive. There are many more benefits and people are discovering more everyday. Since it is so good, it makes sense to include about a cup of blue berries every day in our meals. Doctors have said that regular intake of antioxidants will go a long way to keep you healthy and unaffected by problems that occur with old age.

The blue berry antioxidant does protect you from arthritis, heart disease, urinary infections, aging (wrinkling on the skin, loosening of the skin, stretch marks, etc), preventing cancer, gastric problems, lung infections, and so on. It somehow makes the blue berry a very important tool in our health regime, therefore giving us another tool to prolong our lives.

Everyone knows how important it is to have a regular intake of antioxidants in our diet; the cosmetic industry has already cashed in this particular finding as a result of which most of the cosmetics available on the market have added antioxidants to improve your appearance. These are quite expensive, instead concentrate on introducing antioxidant rich foods, and you will be rewarded with good results.

Go Green, and Go Red to Get the Best Antioxidant

There’s been a lot of talk about antioxidants and how good they are for us, how they are effective in neutralizing free radicals that cause cancer and heart disease. Scientific evidence presents a recommendation for a diet that includes food rich in antioxidants. It is possible to cut your risk of cancer with a daily intake of foods; foods rich in antioxidants are the best antioxidants as there is not enough research to support antioxidant supplements. So what are foods with the best antioxidants out there? There are a few things to help you choose foods with the best antioxidant properties out there.

Going Green

We’ve all heard the constant mantra that organically produced vegetable and fruits are superior to mass commercialised crops and indeed it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that an excessive amount of pesticides and fertilizers are not good for our bodies. But, did you know that the commercialised produce has less nutritional value than their organic counterparts? The nutritional value of vegetables and fruits has been decreasing over the last 50 years. Chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers not only keep away pests but also kill some of the natural goodness that vegetables contain.

Organic vegetables on the other hand do not have this problem, as they are free from pesticides and chemicals; this means that organic vegetables have a higher concentration of polyphenols, a natural antioxidant present in vegetables. Processing of any kind corrupts the health benefits of food and vegetables. For this reason, green tea is considered a good source of antioxidant as green tea leaves are the least processed compared to black teas.

Choosing by Colour

Vegetables are the foods with the best antioxidant content and like all things; different vegetables have varying degrees of antioxidants. An easy way to tell which fruits and vegetables have the best antioxidant content is from the colour of the produce. Fruits and vegetables with a deeper, richer hue have a higher concentration of antioxidants.

Vegetables and fruits with richer colours have a higher level of phytonutrients; phytonutrients are linked to improving the immune system and preventing certain kinds of cancer. Phytonutrients are found mainly in the skins of produce, phytonutrients are also behind the smell and flavor of a vegetable.

Choose red apples, orange and yellow peppers, carrots, tomatoes. You get the picture, anything bright and eye catching is good for you. This principle of choosing food by color can be applied to almost anything, whole-wheat bread instead of white bread and so on. These are just two easy enough ways that you can use to find foods with the best antioxidant content and improve your health. Go green, go red.

Get the Full Benefit of Antioxidant Supplements in Your Diet

When it comes to health and dietary information, there are often conflicting and confusing messages out there. In the 90’s, soy products were all the rage, new research is suggesting that soy products are not as beneficial as we once thought. However you can be sure that when it comes to the benefit of antioxidant rich foods in your diet, the evidence is clear, antioxidants are good for you.

Antioxidants Combat Free Radicals

You’ve probably heard about free radicals and how they are bad for you, but just how bad are they? Very bad in fact, an excessive amount of free radicals in your system can lead to cancer and heart disease. You may wonder why such a big deal is being made about free radicals, your grandparents never worried about them and they lived into old age.

Although the body does produce free radicals from time to time to combat viruses and bacteria, we are talking about an excessive amount. Our environment is becoming more and more polluted which contributes to an accumulation of free radicals in our bodies. Cigarette smoke, radiation and herbicides also cause free radicals to build up in our body.

The good news is that there is a way to combat free radicals; quite simply, the benefit of antioxidant rich foods is that they help to stabilize free radicals. As free radicals can cause cell and tissue damage, antioxidants are there to prevent this. Studies have proven that people who have a diet rich with antioxidants have a significantly lower risk of cancer and heart disease than those who do not include antioxidants in their diets.

Where You Can Get Your Dose

Antioxidants are not vitamins; rather vitamins contain antioxidants, so you may already be taking antioxidant supplements if you regularly supplement your diet with vitamins C and E. There are many dietary supplements available that contain antioxidants so that you can get the full benefit of antioxidant properties even on the go.

Still, the best way to get the benefit of antioxidant supplements is to include food rich in antioxidants in your diet. Foods that contain vitamin C and E like citrus fruits and fish are a good place to start. Look for fruit and vegetables that have darker and richer colors like red grapes, carrots and so on to get your does of antioxidants. Now don’t you wish you’d listened to your mom and eaten those vegetables?

You Will Find That Having Antioxidants in Food is The Best Way to Get Them

Everybody knows today that antioxidants are something that our health cannot afford to ignore. These help us to literally push the time line by eliminating and erasing the harm that is done by the free radicals which are available in plenty. There are enough studies that show the direct connection between the antioxidants and our aging, and age-related diseases, that there remains no doubt about their usefulness to our health.

The Availability of Antioxidants in Food Makes Things Very Easy

There are many good things in nature that is ignored by man; we have actually lost touch with nature and all the benefits that it can provide. Because of this, whatever comes directly from nature is discounted easily. Here is where we are wrong. People can get all the nutrients from a tiny patch of 1/30th of an acre; enough for him to be able to maintain himself or herself from one season to another.

Thankfully, to avail and introduce antioxidants in our bodies, the easiest way is to get take advantage of the plentily available antioxidants in food. There are a number of vegetables and fruits which can be labeled as natural items that offer you antioxidants in food.

Which Are the Items Which Have The Most Antioxidants in Food?

The medical research studies say that you can get antioxidants in food from a host of vegetables and fruits; as a guide, keep in mind that you get the most of antioxidants in food from such vegetables and fruits that are brightly colored. Hence, the tomato, the carrot, the blue berry, the cantaloupe, the mangoes, etc. are all items that have antioxidants in food.

You can also get a great deal of antioxidants in food when you use garlic, oranges, soybean oil, wheat, brown rice, sun flower oil, salmon, etc. The list is a mile long, so I will not write it all here. However, I want to say here, that late is better than never for those who did not know about this aspect of aging.

You can help yourself from aging by introducing into your diet all types of antioxidants in food so as to remain healthy and good looking for a long time. It is actually pretty difficult to ignore the advice, at the same time it is so difficult to do something that is new. In order to focus on the benefits, you will need to go to a nutritionist who can pinpoint to you what exactly is really beneficial for you and your family.

Antioxidant Vitamin: Keeping It Simple and Healthy

Most people work hard to keep their body, mind and spirit healthy. Some do it with yoga, some with meditation, and some take vitamins to keep their bodies feeling and functioning well. If you are looking for a way to stave off colds, to have more stamina, or just to feel healthier, consider the antioxidant vitamin. It’s a simple way to get yourself on your feet and staying on your feet. Here is some background for the antioxidant vitamin, and why it may work for you:

The Basics

Antioxidants are chemicals that fight off the damaging effects of oxidation within the body. Free radical molecules that contain oxygen (which obviously enters the body from breathing, eating and simply moving) can form harmful strands of lipids, which attach themselves to the body cells and can cause cell mutation.

Types of Antioxidants

Antioxidants can be found in nutrient rich foods such as berries, leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, and even tea and coffee. The antioxidant vitamin contained in these foods is mainly Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Beta-Carotene along with Lycopene. There are also other vitamins that are contained in these foods and for more information you can consult the Food and Drug Administration.

Effects of the Antioxidant Vitamin

The antioxidant vitamin is very important when it come to maintaining health. Vitamin C, which is found in foods such as oranges, helps boost the immune system. Vitamin E helps with memory and is found in green vegetables. Beta-Carotene aids vision, and can be found in carrots or turnips. Lycopene also can help with the immune system and is found in tomatoes.

Ways of Consumption

You can choose to have you antioxidant vitamin through consumption of antioxidant food, such as those mentioned above. Or, you can opt to take an actual antioxidant vitamin, which comes in the form of a capsule. These can be found in the nutrition aisle of your local grocery store, or at any supplement outlet. Most capsules only have to be taken once a day, and can be chewed or swallowed.

The antioxidant vitamin has very powerful effects on your body. It not only helps keep you from physically getting ill, but it gives you a peace of mind knowing that you are taking good care of your body. With a combination of exercise, eating foods rich in antioxidants, or simply taking an antioxidant vitamin with water every day, you are set to lead a very long, vigorous life.

Antioxidant Testing Realities

Antioxidant testing can determine if you are healthy and/or in danger of any illnesses that need medical attention. It is important to closely monitor your body’s systems, but how is antioxidant testing done?

Work Your Body

A general testing of your body’s health and fitness condition will answer your antioxidant questions and will essentially lead to successful antioxidant testing. There are a number of tests that can be done in order to come to the conclusion that you are fit and healthy. They are not inexpensive but definitely essential at least once a year.

A fit body composition should have approximately 14% to 17% of body fat in a man and 21% to 24% in a woman according to a recent study. Anything over 32% for a woman is considered obese and the maximum for a man is 25%.

This is a Test

Metabolic testing is important as it is responsible to keep your body functioning, heart beating and you breathing well. There is highly capable machinery today which can tell very accurately both rates. By finding out your metabolism rate you will know how many calories you should consume on a daily basis to keep yourself healthy and in shape.

Yet another testing is the nutritional evaluation. This can determine what nutrients you lack and what you have in excess. It is very important as this will determine the amount of antioxidants you will require on a daily basis. There are many more other tests that will be done should any of the above tests have a very negative outcome. All these tests are antioxidant testing.

Antioxidant testing determines the state of your body. Antioxidants help your body to repair damages and restore its well being. They work from inside eliminating free radicals, which are the main cause of cell damage, and repairing the damages done.

Benefits of Antioxidant Testing

Knowing your antioxidant levels in the body can help you to prevent your body from serious diseases and aging. Antioxidants and available in fresh fruits, vegetables, teas, coffee (yes its true) and grains. You can consume them as desired and in combination.

Antioxidants are also available in pills but those should be administered only after consulting your doctor to avoid overdosing.

Choose a better lifestyle that benefits your body and soul and start by adding antioxidants to your daily diet in any form you find best for you.

Take Your Vitamins! The Antioxidant Supplement

When you were a kid, your mother probably told you to take your vitamins every morning. Most likely they were the size of horse pills and didn’t taste too good. Taking vitamins is something that people need to hold as part of their routine as adults. Although our bodies stop growing, we still need to keep them strong and healthy. One way to do this is to take an antioxidant supplement as part of your daily routine.

If you need more information on why you should keep swallowing pills for good health, here are some reasons:

What It Is For

The antioxidant supplement is a pill form of the chemical antioxidant; a natural substance that fights off oxidation in your body. When you breathe, eat, or exercise, your body is taking in oxygen. Although oxygen keeps you alive, it can easily damage cells. Free radicals, which consist of oxygen, attach to the cells damaging them or forcing them to mutate into cancerous tissue. Antioxidants help to fight off the negative effects of oxidation.

Where It Comes From

Antioxidants are found in the healthy foods you know you should eat; leafy greens, tomatoes, broccoli, nuts, seeds, berries and green tea. The antioxidant supplement is derived from the vitamins contained in these types of foods that are antioxidants: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Lycopene and Beta-Carotene. Vitamin A and C help to boost the immune system, Vitamin E helps keep the cells from mutating, and Beta-Carotene keeps your eyes healthy.

Instructions for Use

You can find any antioxidant supplement in your local nutrition store, or in the health food aisle of the grocery store. Most only require that you take them once a day, and with a glass of water or food. Do not take more than the recommended dosage, or allow your bottle of supplements to be near your children. Accidental overdoses can be fatal.


Although it is recommended by doctors that your source of antioxidants come from food instead of an antioxidant supplement, it doesn’t hurt to add a bit of health to your routine. Some of us are very busy, and the only way we can get our nutrition is in pill form. But if you really want to get healthy, take the time to exercise, and eat foods rich in antioxidants. It is nature’s own way of fighting sickness, not to mention fighting the clock.

Making Antioxidant Rich Foods a Habit

You must have heard about antioxidants by now. This is a very common word today in anti-aging processes, cosmetics, and creams used for wrinkles and many skin products. These creams and cosmetics tend to cost the earth besides the fact that you need to be careful with their use and application. There are easier ways to introduce antioxidants in your body. This is by introducing a good number of antioxidant rich foods into your diet.

The Importance of Antioxidant Rich Foods

Antioxidants are first and foremost the best weapon we have against aging and age-related diseases. The antioxidants are powerful compounds which can fight the damage caused by the free radicals both inside and outside the body. This is wonderful news because this can be achieved by anyone who consumes antioxidant rich foods. It takes only this much to ensure that you are healthy in your old age, and at the same time do not look your age!

It makes you smile to read this? Well, it is true. It has observed and documented that those who are constantly and continuously drinking a glass (200 ml) of orange juice in the morning have less age-related sings on their face and bodies. They stay healthier and their have almost no major age-related problems, such as high blood pressure, heart constriction, narrowing of arteries, arthritis, Alzheimer’s and so on.

Is this not motivation enough to get antioxidant rich foods introduced in your daily diet? If not, read on. Vitamins like vitamin A, C, and E are some of the best antioxidant sources. There not only keep the diseases at bay, they also promote the health of teeth, bone and tissues in the body. Side by side it increases the capacity of the body to fight against minor and medium type of infections by strengthening the immune system.

A person who has an antioxidant rich foods diet will not easily fall prey to the everyday infections like flu, cold, diarrhea, etc that common people suffer of. This is because the antioxidants in the body form an inner shied against such infections. The antioxidants also protect the cells from the body against the damage of the free radicals and inhibit abnormal cell growth (cancer).

Some sources like the vitamin C which is a powerful antioxidant is not stored in the body; hence it needs to be taken at regular intervals to ensure that the body benefits of its presence. You cannot afford to ignore the antioxidants if you wish to stay healthy and strong through your old age.

Getting Juiced: Discovering Antioxidant Juice

Antioxidants are being rediscovered today as one of the most important factors in fighting off diseases, aging, and collapse of the immune system in the body. Hundreds of medical research studies have assured and proven beyond any doubt that antioxidants do protect our bodies from cell damage (related to aging) and from the devastating effects of the free radicals which are present all around us.

Free radicals are like highway robbers, perpetually stealing from healthy cells till they become weak enough to be preyed upon a number of diseases such as Parkinson’s, cancer, Alzheimer’s and senility.

Winning the Battle

All the damage caused by the free radicals can be counteracted by sufficient intake of antioxidants. These are available in plenty all around us, i.e. in vegetables, berries, nuts and fruits that we regularly consume in our daily diet. The most crucial part is that we should have sufficient intake. Here the antioxidant juice makes its entry.

Any fruit or vegetable or a combination of these when taken in the right amount can literally work wonders with our health. It is unfortunate however, that the amount that we take is not always sufficient. The best way to ensure that we have sufficient antioxidants intake with the meals is by including the antioxidant juice, i.e. the juice made of say pomegranate or carrot or any such fruit or vegetable which is antioxidant rich. The juice is not only healthy but it is a concentrated form of antioxidant which goes a long way in fighting the free radicals.

Health Benefits

There are many benefits from the antioxidant juice. The first and foremost is that it gives sufficient amount of antioxidants in the body. The second and as important is that it lowers considerably the levels of stress existing in the blood circulations thereby keeping the heart strong and healthy.

The by-product of the constant and continuous intake of antioxidant juice is that you have a glowing skin, limited or not wrinkles even in latter age and a great elasticity of skin on the face and other parts of the body. In other words, the antioxidant juice keeps you younger and free from disease. What more would you want from a food?

You must ensure that you have a glass of antioxidant juice everyday throughout your life if you want to be free of age-related diseases and beautiful at the same time.

Getting Natural: The Antioxidant Herb

Antioxidant herbs are a source by which you get the antioxidant in its truest form. For centuries, this has been the only form to administer antioxidants; tea, and other such plants, fruits, and vegetables as well.

Antioxidants are essential for our body’s well being and proper function. Antioxidants help us stop the effects of aging; it also helps us prevent and cure serious diseases such as cancer. They work to enforce our immune system and make us stronger and healthier. Antioxidants fight the free radicals in our body, eliminating them and repairing any damage they did. Not only that but, antioxidants go one step further and reverse the damage caused by improving our immune system.

Daily Effects

Antioxidant herbs such as tea can be very beneficial if taken with regularity. Those who consume daily fruits, vegetables as part of their diet experience a healthier, happier overall life. In the countries that consume tea daily (which carries antioxidants) such as China, a lower heart related disease rate was found as well as a slower aging rate.

Antioxidant herbs are not the only way to ensure your daily dose of protection against diseases. You can find antioxidants in fruits, vegetables, tea, coffee and grains. There are also antioxidant drug in form of vitamins for those who don’t like the sight or taste of fresh fruit and vegetables. The vitamins that contain antioxidants are vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, coenzyme Q and vitamin K.

Antioxidant herb is greatly beneficial taken in its fresh form on a daily basis; its power is then at its strongest providing the body with the purest form of antioxidants. Hence it is preferred that fruits, vegetables are consumed as fresh as possible and vegetables just steamed not boiled.

Green tea, white tea and red fruit tea are great antioxidant herbs. It is found at all supermarkets at very affordable prices. Hot or cold, tea is a great beverage for your health. It provides you with antioxidants as well as the daily essential liquid that is so necessary for a healthy body. Should you not like tea as much, good news is coffee is on the list of great antioxidants providers as well.

Antioxidants are present in so many food items that it is very easy to get your daily dose without any great changes to your diet or any major effort. Enjoy a healthy life; get your antioxidants today.

Pick a Winner: Antioxidant Fruit Benefits

Antioxidant fruit can make your life healthier and more enjoyable. I am sure you are familiar with the saying ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. That is so true; but it does not necessarily have to be an apple. There are many tasty fruits that will significantly make your life better and healthier.

Antioxidant fruits are nature’s way to protect our bodies made naturally. Our bodies cannot produce its own supplement of antioxidant fruit complex due to which we must make sure to provide it.

The Fuss about Antioxidants

Because this powerful ingredient sustains your immune system and helps your body recover any damage done by free radicals as well as eliminating them from the body, antioxidants are quite important. Antioxidant fruit is a source of stopping the process of aging. It also helps the metabolism to function while preventing you from any associated diseases.

Free radicals are produced by the body when oxidation place. Oxidation is a natural process that takes place in the body in order to for the metabolism to transform fats into energy. Free radicals by themselves are nit harmful it is when they multiply that they start damaging the cells causing diseases such as cancer, heart disease and so on. These free radicals take a toll on your skin as well, causing aging and wrinkles.

Red berries and blueberries, red beans, russet potatoes, sprouts, cinnamon and pecans are among the best sources of antioxidant fruit complex.

Consuming the Fruit

Antioxidant fruit is readily available on the market all year around which gives us the opportunity to stock our bodies with it. If you are not a great fruit eater (I don’t see why not) you don’t really have to over do it. Blueberries can be added to your cereal bar/bowl in the morning or some cereal actually comes with it integrated in it. Like this there are many other ways to ensure a steady daily source of antioxidants.

There are also antioxidant fruit complex tables available as well, should you really not manage to consume fresh fruit everyday. One way or the other you should make sure your body is supplied daily with these elixirs of life. Other forms of antioxidant fruit complex can be found and created by you at home. Consult your doctor or research online for the available options that can and will improve your life.

Antioxidant Formula and the Key to Healthy Living

Antioxidant formula, can there be such a thing? We all want a short cut to any good achievement or success but we soon realize that the only way to achieve something is the right way; slowly but steadily.

Antioxidant formula is advertised all over the place by many, but few or none possess the whole range of antioxidants that your body requires to perform at its best.


Antioxidants are chemical substances found mainly in plants, fruits, and vegetables, and they serve our body’s defense against illness and aging, which are caused mainly by free radicals in our bodies.

Recent studies have shown that free radicals are liked to a number of diseases such as cancer, arthritis, heart disease and aging. The right antioxidant formula can and will prevent these diseases and fight against the aging process.

Create-Your-Own Formula

The best antioxidant formula can be achieved by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Also a combination of vitamins which are well known by us such as vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, coenzyme Q and carotenoids are some of the main ingredients found in an antioxidant formula. These vitamins must be constantly replenished in ones diet; even though the body manufactures them as some dietary supplements use it all up.

Keep in mind that antioxidants work best when in conjunction with other antioxidants. So the best antioxidant formula can contain as many antioxidants as you can gather.

Also antioxidants don’t have to be just in pill form, they can be found in fruits, vegetables and grain products thus, making it a delicious way to keep healthy with some of the foods we like.

Combining these antioxidants and making them work together is the most productive way to go. Antioxidants work best together, helping one another keep your body healthy and disease free.

To get a better knowledge of antioxidants and how they work it is suggested you can consult your doctor or gather information from online facts and data on the subject. There are also a number of books on this subject given its importance in our lives.

A healthier life is what we all want. Taking one little measure at a time is all you need to do. No magic formulas, no magic spells or wands just the antioxidant formula created by you for you to improve your life and body from aging and disease.

Antioxidant Food: Eating Your Way to Better Health

There are many tips and tricks to live a long and healthy life. The best way to live a well and healthy life is to make good choices concerning your diet and exercise. Eat right, exercise, drink plenty of water, and don’t abuse drugs or alcohol; very simple suggestions. But the types of foods you eat really do matter, so finding rich antioxidant food is essential in staying fit and well. Here are some tips for getting the right type of antioxidant food to better your health:

What It Is

Before you scratch your head wondering what an antioxidant is in the first place, here is a bit of background information. An antioxidant is a chemical found in mainly plants and the chemical fights against the negative impact of oxidation. Oxidation occurs from the bare essentials of living; breathing, eating and exercising. But the free radicals that make up oxygen can damage cells, forming into lipid strands that attach to cells and can mutate them into being cancerous. Antioxidants reduce the impact of oxidation and help to keep cells healthy and functioning.

Finding Antioxidants

To find antioxidants, look no further than your local grocery store. Antioxidant food is located mainly in your produce aisle. Leafy greens, blueberries, tomatoes, nuts and seeds are examples of antioxidant food that will give your body the nourishment it needs. Antioxidants can also be found in coffee, tea and dark chocolate; basically any plant that grows from the ground and contains Vitamins C, E, and/or beta-carotene will also contain antioxidants.

Why You Should Care

Purchasing antioxidant food is an investment in your health. Antioxidants help reduce colds, help in preventing cancer, and even reduce the impacts of aging such as dementia and cataract development. These are plenty of reasons to skip the chips and candy and head for heart-healthy and beneficial antioxidant food. The combination of antioxidant food and exercise will keep you energized and plenty healthy, as well as bringing you one step closer to finding the fountain of youth.

Your body can’t keep itself healthy, you must control what goes in your mouth, and how well you exercise and take care of your well-being. Eating foods rich in antioxidants will help you run faster, work harder, and simply love life a bit more. The benefits of eating these types of foods should be obvious and plentiful, so make sure you prepare your next meal with the basics.

An Antioxidant Drink Can Help Swallow Bad Health

Yes, it is right; an antioxidant drink is the magic potion all of us who want a healthier way of life should try. The very mention of antioxidants and some people will only think of vitamins in a bottle on a drug store shelf. However, you will be surprised to know that you can find antioxidants in some very popular drinks.

Various Options

Did you know that coffee is a great source of antioxidants? I knew there was a reason why I became a coffee addict in the first place. Many studies have found that common drinks offer us a great source of antioxidants servings. These beverages offer us a source of protection against the free radicals.

Besides coffee, tea is another great antioxidant as well as dark chocolate. These are common drinks that we have everyday even without the slightest of efforts. Tea is a great beverage, however, the antioxidant rich ones are the great tea, white tea, fruit teas and the others that are antioxidant enriched and advertise on the cover.

Another good antioxidant drink is out of vegetable and fruits such as V8 drinks. Other such drinks are available or we can prepare it ourselves at home with a mixer and a good imagination.

Change Your Life

An antioxidant drink a day can really change one’s life. It can make it considerably healthier and richer. All you need to do is pay a little attention to what you are already drinking everyday and try to enrich it by adding extra antioxidants to it.

It is not a great change in ones habits or lifestyle as many other good things in life need. An antioxidant drink is already present in your life, all you need to do is recognize it and keep drinking it. In case you do not already drink coffee or tea ( if you are not then you don’t know what you are missing, you may want to start right away and you will soon realize coffee is the essence of life) and think you may never do, there are other delicious alternatives that will bring you the same intake of antioxidants.

It is true an antioxidant drink a day does keep the aging away. Try it for yourself; you will soon see the difference in your body’s overall health as well as the radiant skin glow.

Antioxidant Dietary Supplement Can Prevent Disease and Slow Aging

Pollution, bad habits like smoking, and plenty of chemicals in our food have taken a real toll on the health of today’s society. It is only now that the research has been made public that we are attempting to reverse and bring to a standstill the adverse effects that our environment has on our bodies.

The life expectancy and survival rates of people suffering from degenerative diseases like cancer and heart disease, has significantly improved with the advances in technology.

But no one wants to go through the pain, both physical and emotional, of these diseases, especially when they are highly preventable. You may be wondering how this is so, the answer lies simply in a dose of antioxidant dietary supplement.

Prevention is Better than a Cure

Many people do not think of cancer as a preventable disease, sure you can do things to prevent heart disease, but cancer? Free radicals are chemicals that cause a chain reaction in our cells; our cells become unstable and eventually lead to cancer. However simply taking an antioxidant dietary supplement and including antioxidant rich foods in your diet cuts your risk of cancer considerably.

As pesticides, herbicides and chemicals in general are a source of free radicals, another way to sneak antioxidants into your diet besides taking an antioxidant dietary supplement is to go organic. Buy organic produce when you can to cut down on your consumption of food that has a decreased beneficial effect on your body.

Other Benefits to be Gained

You may think that the only thing you gain from taking an antioxidant dietary supplement is a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease (and isn’t that plenty already?), but those are not the only benefits. Antioxidants are most commonly found in vitamin C and E, so you will not only feel the benefits of antioxidants in your system but also all the good things that come from these two vitamins.

Vitamin C is great for your skin as it helps with the production of collagen that helps to maintain the elasticity in your skin. Vitamin C is also great at boosting your immune system and is a natural antihistamine, a natural way to help ease a nasty cold. Vitamin E on the other hand helps with proper blood clotting and promotes the healing of wounds. It even helps to ease those dreaded menstrual cramps. There really is no excuse for you not taking an antioxidant dietary supplement when there’s so much to be gained. Remember that prevention is always better than a cure.

Antioxidant Diet: A New Approach to Life

Everyone should consider starting an antioxidant diet. This does not mean we should completely change what we are eating now, but by adding fruits and vegetables to our daily diet our health can turn out great in the long turn.

Benefits of an Antioxidant Diet

An antioxidant diet can totally change our life. You will feel healthier from inside as your body will feel energized. The benefits are vast. From short term effects such as whole body system regularity to long terms effects such as great skin glow, antioxidants will make you feel the difference.

Antioxidants, by fighting free radicals restore the damage done, can help improve our own system over all function. It is known that aging and wrinkles are part of the time process that human being has tried to win over for decades. Antioxidant diet is the way to start that fight and have a good chance to win. Many studies have shown antioxidants to improve great health conditions that occur in due course with time and age in the human beings normal life span.

Antioxidants are Everywhere

Antioxidants can be found in most fruit and vegetables. They also are in many grain products and available as vitamins.

To achieve higher intakes of vitamin E for example one can eat vegetable oil, eggs and nuts. High concentration of zinc can be found in poultry, fish, whole grains, meats and diary products. Carrots, kale and spinach are the main source of beta carotene. Vitamin C can be subtracted for daily intakes of citrus fruit and juices, broccoli, green peppers and potatoes.

Learning to eat right will have a great effect on your diet and well being. Guidance can be usually found online, with your doctors or in various books written on such subjects.

By learning to eat right you will increase your life span and make your body function healthier.

To achieve the best results, you may want to learn how to combine your antioxidant diet in order to get the maximum output of your daily meals. This is not as hard as it sounds, combining the right foods can be really easy if you know it; for example, eating blueberries with your morning cereal can be a very effective combination.

Antioxidant diet all amounts to healthier eating habits will guarantee you a healthier, happier body and life. It is definitely worth all the efforts you are going to put into it to research and turn your life style around. After all: health is wealth.

What is The Antioxidant Complex, and How Does it Help Us?

Have you heard of antioxidants? What about free radicals? Chances are that you have; but do you really know what they are and how these influence our bodies? Many people don’t. So, let me briefly explain these terms to you, before I go into talking about the antioxidant complex and its uses.

Antioxidants act and neutralize the free radicals that flood our bodies. When the free radicals attack in great numbers, then there is massive cellular damage and we develop the many diseases that are so much related to aging. Some of the diseases that the free radicals induce are the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, heart diseases, and overall aging.

Free radicals can be halted in their attack by antioxidants alone. Hence, a good intake of antioxidant foods will go a long way to protect you from aging, and so many related diseases.

What is the Antioxidant Complex?

Unfortunately, antioxidants cannot be created within the body. However, antioxidants are indeed freely available in nature and man has learned to use it well. There are a number of antioxidant rich foods around us; if we think it important enough, we have to feed the children at least with a good antioxidant rich food so as to keep them healthy.

Many children and adults as well do not like to “finish the vegetables” found in their meals. For these type people, we have the antioxidant complex. This is actually a source of a number of antioxidants which will help you introduce antioxidants to your body in easy installments through snacks instead of meals. Some good sources of the antioxidant complex are sweet potatoes, all types of berries and spouts.

The antioxidant complex has a number of powerful antioxidants which act singly or in combination with each other, against the vagaries of aging. The fight mostly involves the capacity of the antioxidants to neutralize to a very large extent, the free radicals that attack the body.

How Does it Happen?

The antioxidant complex neutralizes the free radicals by neutralizing themselves. This is why we need a continuous supply of antioxidant complex intake. Remember, unless we succeed to neutralize most of the harm induced by the free radicals, we will age fast and fall sick more often. Besides, our lives will be cut short by the aging tissues and cells. So, do not wait until tomorrow, start fighting this plague today.

Preserving Your Health: The Antioxidant

Your body needs to use vitamins and minerals in order to function at a high level. In order to gather these vitamins and minerals, your body needs to find them in natural and synthetic sources, such as plants and manufactured vitamins. One very important element of your biological health is the antioxidant.

Here is some background information on the antioxidant:

What It Is

An antioxidant is a chemical that reduces the amount of oxidation in your body. They are also the cells that are stored in your muscles to help contain the damage that can occur with oxidation. Oxidation occurs when highly reactive oxygen particles form chain reactions or DNA adducts which can cause cancer-like mutations and/or cell death.


An antioxidant originates mainly from earth grown plants. Examples of antioxidants would be beta-carotene, vitamin E and lycopene. Beta-carotene comes from carrots; vitamin E from leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds; and lycopene from red-ripe tomatoes. It was also discovered that coffee, tea and chocolate contain antioxidants. Although these aren’t as beneficial to your health as the vegetables, they still contain an enormous amount of antioxidants.

Effects on Health

Because an antioxidant fights the harmful oxidation that can attack your body’s cells, it has an overall positive impact on your well-being; the antioxidant reverses the impact of carcinogens (cancer causing elements) and atherogenics (heart problems) which are caused by oxidation damage. Thus, antioxidants help to prevent cancer, heart-related illnesses; supports eye health and boost the immune system. There even have been recent studies linking high levels of antioxidants to anti-aging. This means that antioxidants help prevent dementia and other types of neurological damage due to age.

The Need for the Antioxidant

An antioxidant is one of the best vitamins your body can have. It keeps you from getting sick. It even helps prevent premature aging and deterioration of the brain. With a combination of healthy eating (including antioxidants) and exercise; you will live a long and healthy life.

No one can control what his or her body does. Millions of harmful bacteria and toxins inhabit our bodies; sometimes they affect us, sometimes they don’t. But if you care about your health, then you would want to fight off the bad and keep yourself strong. That is why you need to consume foods rich in antioxidants. Give your body the nourishment it needs to live a long, prosperous life.

Aging with Antiaging Antioxidant and its Different Forms

Every year we are reminded of our age when our birthday approaches. Mentally we say to ourselves we will be young forever, but we cannot deny the fact that our body ages and our strength deteriorates. This, as we know it, happens even more rapidly as we grow beyond 60 years old. What we don’t know is what causes this process. It’s called oxidizing, where our body cells when functioning oxidize and produce energy called metabolism.

For some people, this happens at en extensive rate, even when they are young. It is in their body’s immune and defense system which protects them from getting old and all sort of diseases and this comes to down to having an antiaging antioxidant in the body to slow down this aging process.

Antiaging antioxidant is a type of chemical which neutralizes the free radicals that are produced during the oxidizing process into harmless elements, so that those radicals do not destroy the body cells and contribute to aging, as well as leading to various diseases.

It is commonly believed that antioxidants can prevent chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes too. Thus, we need to eat healthy food everyday, making sure that the level of antioxidants in our body is always at a safe level.

Common Foods and High Content of Antioxidants

Some common examples of foods that contain this antiaging antioxidant are fruits such as blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, apples, and papayas. Vegetables that contain this antiaging antioxidant are: carrots, broccoli, tomatoes, cabbage, artichokes, asparagus, beets, spinach and many more. Other than fruits and vegetables, we can also find antioxidants in other foods such fish, certain type of oils, food additives and many more foods.

All these food above contain either of these nutrients, which are the antiaging antioxidant agents; Vitamin A, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Carotene, Folic acid, Selenium and others.

Supplements for better supply of antioxidants

Besides all these, antiaging antioxidant ingredients can also be found in many dietary supplements that are vastly available in pharmacies and clinics. Some of them are Alpha Lipoic acid, Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene, Beta 1, 3-D Glucan, Lutein, Lycopene, Indole Carbinol 3, NAC (n- Acetyl Cysteine), SOD (Superoxide Dismutase), Selenium, Vitamin A and Vitamin C capsules.

These medicines and supplements are basically compact versions of antiaging antioxidant which provides the same amount of antioxidant levels as their natural resources, of which they are made from. In short, they are equivalent to natural foods such as brussel sprouts, kale, collard greens, broccoli, mustard greens, cabbage, cauliflower, tomatoes, red grapefruit, apricots, watermelon and many more.

Anti Oxidants and Their Superpower of Healing!

The cells in our body must be able to breathe. It’s a process whereby our cells produce energy to keep our body moving and functioning. This process is called oxidation, and it involves various other processes to keep us alive and healthy.

The cells, when they do this, produce a waste-like element called free radicals. These radicals can be very harmful and lead to damage of our body tissues. These radicals lead to aging, muscle damage, weak immune system, and various diseases if left untreated. To fight this, we need anti oxidants in our body.

Anti oxidants are basically chemicals that reduce the rate of this oxidation. All cells in the body naturally contain complex systems of anti oxidants to prevent damages to the cell structure and built due to the oxidation. But this natural amount is not sufficient.

And that is why it is a requirement to have anti-oxidants in our body, either by intake of food or supplements. Our food daily must have sufficient amount of anti oxidants for our own health reason. Vegetables, fruits and other edible plants are important source of organic antioxidant chemicals.

Basically anti oxidants can be found everyday in our common type of foods. In short, any food containing vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, manganese, coenzyme Q10 have anti oxidant components inside.

Natural Resources

Some natural sources of food containing anti oxidants are fruits such as wild blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, prunes, raspberries, strawberries, apples, cherries, plums, and papayas, vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, green peppers, green leafy vegetables, brussel sprouts, cabbage, artichokes, asparagus, avocado, beans, beets, spinach and many more.

Medicines, Supplements and Food Additives

Besides a natural source of foods, there are also medicinal and dietary supplements which use anti oxidant ingredients for health purposes such as preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Supplements such as vitamin C and vitamin A tablets and medicines are also source of anti oxidants to our body.

Even food additives nowadays have anti oxidants inside them. A few to name would be ascorbic acid, citric acid, acetic acid, rosmarinic acid, pectin, tocopherol, BHA, BHT, and EDTA.

Benefits and healing power

Anti oxidants are very important because they have much benefit. They help to reduce cellular damage, and this prepares our body from getting diseases such as degeneration, cataracts and other eye diseases, age-related neurodegeneration, cardiovascular diseases and even severe ones such cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Besides that, they help to keep our immune system in good shape as well.

Fighting the Clock: The Anti Aging Antioxidant

If you are not only health conscious but worry about those annoying wrinkles forming or your memory slowly slipping; the cure for your worries may lie in a simple chemical, the anti aging antioxidant.

Here is why you need to learn about this medical breakthrough to live a healthier and happier life:


To understand the concept of an anti aging antioxidant, you first need to know what an antioxidant is. An antioxidant is a chemical that helps to reduce the damage of oxidation in your body. Oxidation occurs when free radical particles (made up of the oxygen molecule) form harmful strains of lipids which can damage cells, even mutate them into cancerous cells. Oxidation comes from daily activities such as eating, exercising, even breathing. You need oxygen, but you don’t need its damaging effects; that’s why there is we need antioxidants in our daily life.

Where It Comes From

You already have a good amount of antioxidants in your body, but the only way for you to “stock up” is to consume the chemical in the form of food. An anti aging antioxidant can be found mainly in plants such as leafy vegetables, tomatoes, seeds, and nuts; even coffee, tea and dark chocolate.

Effects on Aging

The fountain of youth has not yet been discovered, but scientists are working on it. They’ve come somewhat close with discovering the anti aging antioxidant. This is not a specific type of antioxidant; it is simply any antioxidant that will help reduce the impact that time has on your body. Because antioxidants reverse the effects of cancer-causing agents by oxidants, it reduces the chances of getting cancer and/or heart disease. The beta-carotene antioxidant helps with reducing cataracts, and the antioxidants found in leafy green vegetables such as romaine lettuce help with memory, thus slowing dementia. Simple, every day foods work as a wonderful anti aging antioxidant to keep you living longer and feeling healthier than ever.

No one really likes to get old. The wrinkles, the lapses in memory and the failing health is not something we like to look forward to in our golden years. The best way to take care of that is to take care of our bodies while we are young, and as time goes on we can easily see the effects of the anti aging antioxidant that will keep us feeling young into our elder years.

Alpha Lipoic Antioxidant: The Universal Antioxidant

Alpha lipoic antioxidant is known as the universal antioxidant due to its powerful properties. Alpha lipoic antioxidant is also known as lipoic acid or thioctic acid.

This powerful antioxidant helps cells convert glucose to energy, fight inflammation of the skin, detoxifies the body as well as it helps to stabilize blood sugar.

The Universal Antioxidant

Alpha lipoic antioxidant is known to be the universal antioxidant because it is both water and fat soluble thus, giving it the power to penetrate tissues composed mainly of fat, such as the nervous system as well as the those mainly of water, such as the heart, and protect them against free radicals and their damage.

Alpha lipoic antioxidant works with the body’s other antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E and glutathione helping them to perform better and in glutathione’s case it also helps it to increase the body’s supply; by doing so the free radicals are stopped in their damaging process and thrown out of the body. Free radicals are known to cripple the immune system leaving the body open to infections and other heart such diseases.

The miraculous antioxidant helps as well vitamin B to convert proteins, carbohydrates and fats into energy more efficiently.

Knowing what is good for your body as well as what is not can make a great difference for your body. A little effort on your part to know your body can take you a long way. Information can be found online (like everything else), in specialized books or with your doctor.

Helping Your Body

Antioxidants are extremely necessary for your body’s well being and proper function. While you may be already consuming some without even knowing you do; for example, drinking coffee or tea, that may not be quiet enough and an effort on your part may be required to increase those antioxidant levels or why not get the alpha lipoic antioxidant to work for you.

Alpha lipoic antioxidant is easy to administer. It may not be the most inexpensive antioxidant but it is well worth it. One’s health is definitely one’s health; if you are not healthy there is not much you can achieve nor you can enjoy what you already have.

There is no easy quick way to healthier better life. One step at a time is all you should try to achieve but make sure that is the right step: the alpha lipoic antioxidant way.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Symptoms of Sun Allergy

Many people suffer from some sort of sun allergy. Symptoms can be relatively minor, usually presenting as a minor rash that can be itchy—some people call it “prickly heat.” However, others suffer different symptoms, which can affect the way they live their lives. Some people develop hives that can blister and spread, even to areas that weren’t directly exposed to the sun.

It is unclear what causes sun allergy and why some people react differently than others. Young children and babies are particularly vulnerable; welts can occur that seem to cover an entire area forming a ring around the arms or legs. What starts out looking like an irritated mosquito or insect bite can quickly swell to alarming proportions.

In addition, there is a syndrome known as “sun drunk” which affects some children who suffer from a sun allergy. In some cases, a child may come in from playing outside and stumble, lose balance, or otherwise display suggestions that something is just not right; hence, causing the term “drunk.” Many come in with glazed eyes and sometimes fall asleep quickly. Once out of the sun, given time to “recover,” (sometimes as soon as 30 minutes), there may not be any other lasting effects.

There are various types of conditions under the title of sun allergy.

These include polymorphous light eruption (PMLE), actinic prurigo (hereditary PMLE), and photo allergic eruption. Solar urticaria is a rarer sun allergy that generally affects women; it produces large, itchy, red bumps or hives. While it is a rarer form of sun allergy, it is far more common than may be thought.

PMLE is a sun allergy that produces an itchy rash and is quite common, and hereditary PMLE occurs in people with an American Indian background. Photo allergic eruption is a sun allergy that sometimes takes a while to diagnose and occurs when sunlight has a reaction with a chemical on or in the body, such as sunscreen, lipstick, medication, etc. It is important to know whether any medication you are taking can have an adverse reaction to the sun. If in question, ask your pharmacist.

To prevent or lessen possible sun allergy symptoms, it is imperative to use a sunscreen of SPF 15 or greater. For children or others with solar urticaria, it is more advisable to use SPF 45+. In addition, sunscreen must be applied liberally and often. Whether or not someone has a known sun allergy, sunscreen should be applied all over including the lips.

Spring Allergy Affects Millions Every Year

What triggers spring allergy?

Allergens such as pollens; which many plants, trees or weeds have are carried in the wind during spring time may cause a spring allergy.

Some plants and trees you may want to watch out for this spring are: oak, ash, elm, birch, hickory, poplar, maple, cypress, walnut, sycamore and western red cedar are some of the trees; grass such as timothy, orchard, red top and sweet vernal will activate your spring allergy. During summer and fall you may want to watch out for sagebrush, pigweed, ragweed and cocklebur among other plants and trees that can also aggravate your symptoms.

Symptoms of spring allergy

Those suffering of these type of allergies will experience symptoms such as watery eyes, sneezing, runny nose, drowsiness or/and headaches.

Spring allergy can lead to serious conditions and should never be taken lightly. If you suspect you are having spring allergy you should immediately see a doctor or allergist who will determine your condition through tests which will pinpoint the cause of your allergy more specifically.

What to avoid when suffering from spring allergy

Items very important to avoid include pollen and mold, particularly, as these are the main cause of provoking sneezing and wheezing. Keeping windows closed as much as possible during spring will prevent such components to drift into your house. The same applies for your car windows when traveling.

Consider using an air conditioner or air humidifier which will constantly clean the air and keep it cool and spring allergy free.

You may need to consider cutting down on your outdoor activities during spring when there is high humidity or the pollen count is reported to be high. Take vacations in pollen free areas those such as beach resorts (which are not bad at all) or most sea side destinations.

Try using paper mask when cleaning the house or drying clothes out where pollen can be present. Also taking showers after being outdoors can help spring allergy to subside.

More helpful information

The largest professional medical organization in the U.S.A. representing allergies and illness associated with it is AAAAI, which stands for the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.

Recognizing your allergy and acting in time is essential as most allergies can be fatal if not treated in time.

Don’t let a spring allergy ruin your spring; get help and prevent it in time.

Make The Best of Your Season Allergy

Dealing with season allergy symptoms has become a fact of life for many of us. This year has been officially called the worst allergy season ever. People who have never suffered of any type of allergies have reported season allergy symptoms such as itchy eyes, runny noses, sneezing etc.

Fact is more then 20% of American population suffers with some sort of allergies; 14 million visiting their doctor and it was estimated 4 million sick days will be taken due to the season allergy. Hartford, Connecticut took the number one position in seasonal allergies this year due to high pollen count.

Here are some myths and facts to treat the season allergy:

Myth .– cold medications. These medications are only efficient for colds and will not help in any way your allergy symptoms. Do not have them even if friends and family tell you they are effective. Only allergy medications will help you get relief.

Myth .– air purifiers. It is true that this will help to a certain degree, because keeping the air clean, which the air purifier achieves, is part of keeping the allergies at bay, however, they cannot clean out pollen.

Fact .– Over the counter medications do work. Those that are available in pharmacies are great provided you already know that you are suffering from season allergy. Do not self medicate.

Fact .– Know your condition and be aware of the foods and places that trigger the allergies. Avoid the following (to name a few): carrots, apples and pears.

Fact .– Have a shower before you get to bed. Cleaning off all the dust and pollen is very effective. You can even take a shower when you get back home for fast relief.

Fact .– sunglasses block pollen from getting into your eyes preventing you effectively from season allergy.

Treating season allergy symptoms is not as simple as some new set of laws do restrict over the counter sale of some decongestants. That is any medication containing pseudoephedrine will be sold only by prescription and that too limited amount a month.

The good news that is many of the over the counter drugs are very effective and can cure you of the season allergy.

Surviving season allergy is not an easy task, it’s something you have to constantly be conscious about and in control of; with constant surveillance and organization, care and a lot of love and understanding from your family you should get through even the worst of the seasons.

Where is The Best Place to Live if I Have a Pollen Allergy?

The National Allergy Bureau has a network of pollen counters across the country that uses air sampling equipment to capture airborne (pollen) allergens. The number of pollen grains are collected, counted, and recorded. Counting stations generally open in March and April, when pollen counts begin to grow. For people with a pollen allergy, the pollen count is a very important measure in their life.

In warmer climates, the stations remain open all year. A definition of pollen count is the number of ragweed pollen grains in a volume of air over a 24-hour time span, in a particular place. A pollen allergy can be adversely affected by high local pollen counts. Pollen allergy counts are generally based on a count of 1 to 12. A low count is four and under; moderate is 4-8; high is 8 or higher.

Since a pollen allergy is seasonal, there are places within the United States that might be better for some people to live where the count is lower. Many have considered Arizona and Nevada ideal because of the lack of plants that would spread wind-borne allergens. However, some cities have become more popular and residents bring plants and flowers with them; there has been an increase in pollen and, hence, pollen allergy sufferers.

Some people move to avoid certain plants or allergens, and sometimes this is helpful. Mountains and forests generally have a low degree of weed pollen but may have quite a bit of tree pollen. Mountains, however, if bare, would not have the same result. Areas with a lot of human population including homes and farms generally have a high amount of grass pollens. The Pacific Northwest has a lower degree of weed pollen but has standard amounts of all other types. These are indicators that someone with a pollen allergy must consider on a daily basis.

The Importance of Being Aware

No matter where one lives or vacations, it is important to heed the local pollen count and stay indoors and/or away from allergens as much as possible to keep a pollen allergy from interfering in the pursuit of a healthy and happy life. There are various prescription and over-the-counter medications that can prove helpful in dealing with annoying symptoms.

Avoiding a pollen allergy does not ensure that one will not have allergic reactions to other substances; for instance, smog, air pollution, and cigarette smoke are often more bothersome than pollen. An allergist or family practitioner can advise about relocation efforts or simple steps to take to make life more pleasant.