Blue Berry Antioxidant is One of the Greatest Things Known to Man
Most of us know the blue berry as the ingredient of the most common pie in America. How many of us knew that this modest fruit houses two of the most powerful antioxidant elements, i.e. vitamins E and C? There are too many uses and benefits from ingesting the blue berry antioxidant to discuss them in detail in this short article. The main uses however, will be highlighted here:
the blue berry antioxidant helps in fighting cancer; it also prevents it as well as delays its onset. Antioxidants have proven as powerful treatment elements in the fight against cancer through may medical research studies the blue berry antioxidant also prevents to a very large extent the onset of the Alzheimer’s disease as well as the Parkinson’s diseases in senior citizens the blue berry antioxidant also helps you in controlling the levels of cholesterol and thereby prevent heart attacks;
it reduces greatly the risks and complications of urinary infections it has also
been found that the blue berry antioxidant improves eye sight greatly overall the blue berry antioxidant fights tooth and nail with the radicals to prevent aging of the cells and tissues, thereby preventing most of the debilitating diseases that are age-related.
The above list is by no means exhaustive. There are many more benefits and people are discovering more everyday. Since it is so good, it makes sense to include about a cup of blue berries every day in our meals. Doctors have said that regular intake of antioxidants will go a long way to keep you healthy and unaffected by problems that occur with old age.
The blue berry antioxidant does protect you from arthritis, heart disease, urinary infections, aging (wrinkling on the skin, loosening of the skin, stretch marks, etc), preventing cancer, gastric problems, lung infections, and so on. It somehow makes the blue berry a very important tool in our health regime, therefore giving us another tool to prolong our lives.
Everyone knows how important it is to have a regular intake of antioxidants in our diet; the cosmetic industry has already cashed in this particular finding as a result of which most of the cosmetics available on the market have added antioxidants to improve your appearance. These are quite expensive, instead concentrate on introducing antioxidant rich foods, and you will be rewarded with good results.
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