Saturday, August 05, 2006

Antioxidant Food: Eating Your Way to Better Health

There are many tips and tricks to live a long and healthy life. The best way to live a well and healthy life is to make good choices concerning your diet and exercise. Eat right, exercise, drink plenty of water, and don’t abuse drugs or alcohol; very simple suggestions. But the types of foods you eat really do matter, so finding rich antioxidant food is essential in staying fit and well. Here are some tips for getting the right type of antioxidant food to better your health:

What It Is

Before you scratch your head wondering what an antioxidant is in the first place, here is a bit of background information. An antioxidant is a chemical found in mainly plants and the chemical fights against the negative impact of oxidation. Oxidation occurs from the bare essentials of living; breathing, eating and exercising. But the free radicals that make up oxygen can damage cells, forming into lipid strands that attach to cells and can mutate them into being cancerous. Antioxidants reduce the impact of oxidation and help to keep cells healthy and functioning.

Finding Antioxidants

To find antioxidants, look no further than your local grocery store. Antioxidant food is located mainly in your produce aisle. Leafy greens, blueberries, tomatoes, nuts and seeds are examples of antioxidant food that will give your body the nourishment it needs. Antioxidants can also be found in coffee, tea and dark chocolate; basically any plant that grows from the ground and contains Vitamins C, E, and/or beta-carotene will also contain antioxidants.

Why You Should Care

Purchasing antioxidant food is an investment in your health. Antioxidants help reduce colds, help in preventing cancer, and even reduce the impacts of aging such as dementia and cataract development. These are plenty of reasons to skip the chips and candy and head for heart-healthy and beneficial antioxidant food. The combination of antioxidant food and exercise will keep you energized and plenty healthy, as well as bringing you one step closer to finding the fountain of youth.

Your body can’t keep itself healthy, you must control what goes in your mouth, and how well you exercise and take care of your well-being. Eating foods rich in antioxidants will help you run faster, work harder, and simply love life a bit more. The benefits of eating these types of foods should be obvious and plentiful, so make sure you prepare your next meal with the basics.


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