Saturday, August 05, 2006

Understanding the Mega Antioxidant Benefits and Risks

Mega antioxidant, antioxidant food complex, or antioxidant tea; which really is good for you and how much should you consume?

Cracking the Code

Eating right and exercising is never easy. Having a good knowledge of what goes on with your body, what is right for you and when, is even harder. However, you have only one body and the efforts are well worth it in the end if you take care of it. Educating yourself is easy nowadays with the vast information available online at anyone’s finger tips.

Antioxidants help our body to function reversing damages caused by other components such as free radicals. Free radicals can severely damage our body by causing serious diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s. Free radicals are created by our body when the process of oxidation takes place; by itself the free radical is not harmful however, it soon corrupts other cells transforming them in free radicals as well. By transforming the cells the free radicals damage them beyond function thus, bringing on diseases and premature aging.

Here, mega antioxidants steps in to rescue. They not only throw out the free radicals from the body but at the same time repair the damage and reversing its effects.

The Hunt is On

Antioxidants are all around us, available in: fresh fruit, vegetables, herbs, plants and tea. Mega antioxidant can be created by us by combining any of those products between themselves. For example, you can get mega antioxidant by mixing orange juice, carrot juice, lemon juice and green tea. However, to make all this tasty you can get such drinks already mixed in any drug store or sometimes regular supermarkets.

The same can be done with vegetables by combining them you can get mega antioxidant. Also, this can be done with grains with fruits and so on, the list is endless.

One can also get mega antioxidant as pills just like vitamins however, be aware not to over do it. Yes, that too is possible when taking vitamin supplements. Vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A is usually present in any mega antioxidant complex; over dosing on vitamins such as vitamin E can bring give you some harmful side effects.

The best way to make sure you are on the right track is to inform yourself. Consult your doctor and/or get as much information as possible on the subject. Ask questions when you are not sure about something especially when it comes to your health.

Mega antioxidant should be part of your daily diet to improve your health and life span. You will notice the difference soon in your appearance and in your general health.


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