Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Daily Disposable Contact Lens is the Better Choice

The daily disposable contact lens was first introduced in the late 80s and they were designed to be worn for a certain amount of time, then discarded and replaced with a fresh pair of new disposable lenses that you would continue to wear until the process repeated itself. Now, a daily disposable contact lens is the most popular type of contact lenses. Many eye care practitioners and consumers favor this type of disposable lens because of their numerous health benefits.

The more frequently you change your daily disposable contact lens, the better and more at ease your eyes will feel. Problems are caused when certain natural eye materials like protein and lipids found in tears can build up on your contact lenses. These material deposits make contacts much more uncomfortable than when they are fresh. Moreover, these material deposits can also cause bad contact lens eye infections.

It has been clinically proven that people wearing a daily disposable contact lens have lower risks of contact lens eye infections. However, anyone using any lenses, even the daily disposable contact lens, has a higher risk of getting a contact lens eye infection if they leave their lenses in when they go to bed, do not disinfect their storage cases, or do not wash their hands before handling the contact lenses. You can certainly clean your lenses all the time, but the daily disposable contact lens can save you some of the time and hassle at a similar cost.

There are various kinds of these lenses. When the term disposable is used, it often refers to both daily disposable contact lenses and frequent replacement lenses. The former lens type is replaced about every two weeks, as a rule.

There are two ways to avoid most of the steps in contact lens care. The first is to change your lenses periodically after sleeping in them overnight. Sadly, sleeping in contact lenses has been proven a risk and sleeping in contact lenses seems to increase the risk of eye troubles, including infections.

The better alternative seems to be the daily disposable contact lens. These lenses are discarded each night, and replaced in the morning. Many eye care professionals and contact lens wearers feel that daily disposable contact lenses offer the best choice for them.

Daily disposable contact lenses are convenient since there is no need to clean anything. It is considered healthy because there is no daily material deposit and because there is no increased risk of eye infections from sleeping in the lenses.


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