Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Blurry Vision: The Battle for Focus Contact Lens Products

Immediately after the main brands of contact lenses had appeared in the market, there were (and still are) a number of local manufacturers who not only emulate the branded lenses, but also sell them at a fraction of the cost of the former. The result, is that many “just try out” the cheap ones only because they are available at a throw-away price.

The Problem with Out of Focus Contact Lens Products

Immediately discontinue use of the said contact lens. If it is branded, you may return the same for refund and advice the dealer or shop keeper on your problems with the lens. If not, just throw them away.

Check your eyes immediately with an ophthalmologist to rule out any type of damage to your eyes. Ensure that the doctor will explain why you have out-of-focus vision and leave the matter only when you are totally satisfied with the answer. In can you do not get in with one doctor, please check with another till you get all your answers.

If everything is okay, then change your brand after checking with a doctor to find which the best is received in the area you live in.

Prolonged Damage as a Result of Out of Focus Contact Lens Products

Many people tend to ignore the little tell-tale signs that our bodies give us to point at any ailment that has negatively affected or would be affecting us. Pain, by the way, is our best friend, because it acts as a loud-and-clear alarm showing where things could/ are really going wrong.

I have seen many times when people ignore serous symptoms, only to find out later that they suffer in silence from the terminal diseases, which could have been cured if he/she would have started the treatment a few months ago. It is always good, to check on anything that looks odd or funny. Stay away from any product that is sold extremely cheap; this is likely to cause problems. Using an out of focus contact lens is extremely dangerous to your sight.

Hence, as I was saying before, the moment you see that the product has a defect, it does not matter when how many days you used it; discard it immediately either to the shopkeeper, or the dustbin. Just remember with lenses most people initially feel and look incredibly relaxed even when though they use out of focus contact lens.

For those who like to wear these even after warning, be informed that such a practice can claim your vision, and sometimes even your life.


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