Saturday, August 05, 2006

There is So Much Good in Food Rich in Antioxidants

There has been so much excitement about the use of antioxidants in the anti-aging process. For a long time, nobody really found out or concentrated on the other health aspects that the antioxidants are so beneficial for, like preventing age-related diseases and at times, even curing some of them, such as arthritis.

Where do we get our antioxidants from?

Antioxidants are available in a number of forms, both naturally and synthetically; however, our best source for antioxidants is the food we take in every day. There are many different types of food rich in antioxidants which can be heavily capitalized upon so that each one of us can get the maximum amount of antioxidants into our system.

The use of food rich in antioxidants to complement our intake is actually the best we can do to protect ourselves from the ravages of old age. It has been proven beyond doubt through a number of medical research studies in different continents, that a regular intake of antioxidants can actually save you from the Alzheimer’s disease that has been such a concern for the past decade or so all over the world. There has been radical improvement to the already sick patients when fed on food rich in antioxidants, over a period of 6-12 months.

What food is termed as food rich in antioxidants?

Some of the most powerful antioxidants available on earth are the vitamins C and E. These cannot be called directly as food rich in antioxidants; however fruits and vegetables that contain these can definitely be termed as such. These would be citrus fruits (lemon, orange, etc), cabbage, kiwi fruit, sprouts, grains, milk and milk products, eggs (the yolk), and nuts.

Other items that can be counted as food rich in antioxidants, but are not exactly containing vitamins, are the humble potato, red beans, blue berries (and as a matter of fact, all type of berries), cereals, artichokes, pecans, cinnamon, and cloves which can do so much good if they are included in the day-to-day diet of people.

The best way indeed to get antioxidants into the blood is with the help of food rich in antioxidants. The benefits of the antioxidants really have no boundaries today. They help with the prevention of almost all the diseases that affect you after 65 years of age; at the same time they are known to have helped greatly in the treatment of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer. Concentrate your diet on food rich in antioxidants from today on for the rest of your life.


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