Antioxidant Dietary Supplement Can Prevent Disease and Slow Aging
Pollution, bad habits like smoking, and plenty of chemicals in our food have taken a real toll on the health of today’s society. It is only now that the research has been made public that we are attempting to reverse and bring to a standstill the adverse effects that our environment has on our bodies.
The life expectancy and survival rates of people suffering from degenerative diseases like cancer and heart disease, has significantly improved with the advances in technology.
But no one wants to go through the pain, both physical and emotional, of these diseases, especially when they are highly preventable. You may be wondering how this is so, the answer lies simply in a dose of antioxidant dietary supplement.
Prevention is Better than a Cure
Many people do not think of cancer as a preventable disease, sure you can do things to prevent heart disease, but cancer? Free radicals are chemicals that cause a chain reaction in our cells; our cells become unstable and eventually lead to cancer. However simply taking an antioxidant dietary supplement and including antioxidant rich foods in your diet cuts your risk of cancer considerably.
As pesticides, herbicides and chemicals in general are a source of free radicals, another way to sneak antioxidants into your diet besides taking an antioxidant dietary supplement is to go organic. Buy organic produce when you can to cut down on your consumption of food that has a decreased beneficial effect on your body.
Other Benefits to be Gained
You may think that the only thing you gain from taking an antioxidant dietary supplement is a reduced risk of cancer and heart disease (and isn’t that plenty already?), but those are not the only benefits. Antioxidants are most commonly found in vitamin C and E, so you will not only feel the benefits of antioxidants in your system but also all the good things that come from these two vitamins.
Vitamin C is great for your skin as it helps with the production of collagen that helps to maintain the elasticity in your skin. Vitamin C is also great at boosting your immune system and is a natural antihistamine, a natural way to help ease a nasty cold. Vitamin E on the other hand helps with proper blood clotting and promotes the healing of wounds. It even helps to ease those dreaded menstrual cramps. There really is no excuse for you not taking an antioxidant dietary supplement when there’s so much to be gained. Remember that prevention is always better than a cure.
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