Saturday, August 05, 2006

Answers to Coffee Antioxidant Questions

As you are reading the title of this article, what do you think? I am sure that you are not too sure whether or not you can consider coffee antioxidant as the beneficial, or pray that it is. For many out there who were always berated to cut down on coffee because it is the cause of a million and one diseases and complications, here it is at last something that you can justify your intake with. It is true that coffee has compounds that are powerful enough antioxidants to consider the coffee antioxidant an important and viable one.

There have been studies who have confirmed the existence of the coffee antioxidant, so much so that now it is recommended in many cases as a beneficial dietary intake. It is found that the amount of antioxidants available in the coffee bean is greatly enhanced by the roasting process. Without being roasted, some coffee beans have higher antioxidant content than others, though how to use them without roasting is not really understood.

Once the coffee beans are roasted, they become more or less equal in their capacity to be used as antioxidants. The coffee antioxidant is indeed good news for those who have been nagged for ever to cut back on the habit. However, it is not exactly known how much should be used as an antioxidant food. Until the next scientific bulletin comes out, you should continue to drink it as you are presently.

How Much is Too Much?

Many times medical reports have indicated that overdoing the intake of coffee can cause insomnia, chronic hyper blood pressure, heart disease, and other complications. However, with the promotion of a coffee antioxidant which is definitely a positive effect from the use of coffee, the question arises – how much is actually too much? How much is safe to drink it so as to benefit from it?

Unfortunately, this information is not openly available. There is no diagram which says that drinking a particular number of cups of coffee will actually promote your health since you will be introducing the coffee antioxidant to your system. In absence of evidence, we should prefer to think that coffee drank in moderation is not actually a bad idea. In case you love coffee and relish some 3-4 cups a day, there is no reason as to why you should cut the habit. However, if you are gulping down a more than a few cups a day, whatever the benefit of the coffee antioxidant, you could be harmed by its intake. So take care to maintain a proper balance.


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