Saturday, August 05, 2006

Getting Natural: The Antioxidant Herb

Antioxidant herbs are a source by which you get the antioxidant in its truest form. For centuries, this has been the only form to administer antioxidants; tea, and other such plants, fruits, and vegetables as well.

Antioxidants are essential for our body’s well being and proper function. Antioxidants help us stop the effects of aging; it also helps us prevent and cure serious diseases such as cancer. They work to enforce our immune system and make us stronger and healthier. Antioxidants fight the free radicals in our body, eliminating them and repairing any damage they did. Not only that but, antioxidants go one step further and reverse the damage caused by improving our immune system.

Daily Effects

Antioxidant herbs such as tea can be very beneficial if taken with regularity. Those who consume daily fruits, vegetables as part of their diet experience a healthier, happier overall life. In the countries that consume tea daily (which carries antioxidants) such as China, a lower heart related disease rate was found as well as a slower aging rate.

Antioxidant herbs are not the only way to ensure your daily dose of protection against diseases. You can find antioxidants in fruits, vegetables, tea, coffee and grains. There are also antioxidant drug in form of vitamins for those who don’t like the sight or taste of fresh fruit and vegetables. The vitamins that contain antioxidants are vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, coenzyme Q and vitamin K.

Antioxidant herb is greatly beneficial taken in its fresh form on a daily basis; its power is then at its strongest providing the body with the purest form of antioxidants. Hence it is preferred that fruits, vegetables are consumed as fresh as possible and vegetables just steamed not boiled.

Green tea, white tea and red fruit tea are great antioxidant herbs. It is found at all supermarkets at very affordable prices. Hot or cold, tea is a great beverage for your health. It provides you with antioxidants as well as the daily essential liquid that is so necessary for a healthy body. Should you not like tea as much, good news is coffee is on the list of great antioxidants providers as well.

Antioxidants are present in so many food items that it is very easy to get your daily dose without any great changes to your diet or any major effort. Enjoy a healthy life; get your antioxidants today.


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