Friday, July 07, 2006

Supplements for Natural Pet Health

Humans have always had a unique relationship with animals because humans need pet companionship and love. If we look at our folklores throughout history we will see many examples of human relationships with the “lesser animals.” Even in popular culture, pets have maintained a longstanding presence in TV and film.

Remember the film Escape from the Planet of the Apes? In that film, it was revealed that the apes developed intelligence when humans started to take in primates as pets because of their need for such pet companionship.

Our Responsibility to Our Pets
If we expect our pets to respond to use with love and loyalty, we must take care of our pets as best as we can. And that requires making sure our pets stay in the best health possible. We should never allow our loyal friends to come to harm because we neglected our duties to safeguard them. One of the best ways to keep our pets healthy and well is to provide them with natural pet health supplements.

What Are Natural Pet Health Supplements?
There are a great variety of items that can fall into the category of pet health supplements.
Primarily, these natural pet health items are vitamins and supplements designed to aid a variety of pets in a multitude of different manners. This is not different from how the large variety of vitamins and supplements designed for humans help them as well. (Ok, there are a ton of products on the vitamin market that really don’t help anyone, but that’s a different topic!)

Types of Natural Pet Health Products
Products include joint supplements that are quite important for pets as they get older, but younger pets will benefit by them as well. Shiny coat supplements are the types of natural pet health products that the more vain animals out there will surely appreciate being given. Insect protection spray sums up its duties in its description. Gluta DMG is a very popular natural pet health supplement as it aids a pet’s immune system. And we all know a strong immune system will greatly boost any living creature’s life.

If we truly love our pets, then we must show that love by taking care of them as best we can. By providing a variety of natural pet health supplements to our dogs, cats, birds, horses, even fish, we are filling the duty of taking care of them.

Is a Baby Mattress Really Safe?

Buying a mattress for your baby is a very serious matter. For the last five decades, ever since the SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) cases had been identified by the medical fraternity, the bed has been the focus of a number of safety measures. There are a few things that you should keep in mind while shopping for the baby mattress:

  • Size of the mattress – always go for the standard size so you will have it fit perfectly with the crib you have bought. In case the mattress is too small, the baby may roll and get in between the mattress and the walls of the crib. On the other hand in the mattress is too large, it will roll on the sides making the middle lumpy and uncomfortable.
  • Best type of baby mattress – You have a choice between foam baby mattress and poly-urethane foam baby mattress. The latter is more economical, though both types are found to be highly suitable from the point of your baby’s safety.
  • Check the firmness of the baby mattress you intend to buy. The firmer the mattress is, the better it is. A good way to check whether your mattress is indeed as firm as it should be is to try to bend into two. The more you exert yourself for bending the better the mattress is.
  • Resilience of the mattress – this is a very important aspect of the mattress. By resilience it is meant how fast the mattress regains its original shape after it is squeezed (by a person sleeping or sitting on it). The faster it regains it s shape after someone sat on it or pressed it, the better the mattress it.

The above is an indicative list of what you should actually look for when you choose a mattress for your baby, with special emphasis to safety and comfort. Additional features should be allergy proof, fire resistant, water proof and stain proof/ resistant as the case may be.

Once the safety has been taken care of, you can also look at the weight of the mattress (the heavier it is the better) so you will know which one to choose. Beauty and the height of the baby mattress is also very important. Most mattresses come in standard size, but you can find some that are specially made for particular types of baby beds.

Red Wine Antioxidant

The fact that antioxidants are our best bet to fight against a host of age- related diseases is true. Everyday more benefits are added from the millions of research studies that are conducted on these wonder elements. It has been accepted world wide that an antioxidant rich diet will extend life expectancy by as much as 15-20 years, which is great by any standards.

We get antioxidants from a host of fruits and vegetables, each doing some specific task in sealing the body from the harm of the free radicals. The red wine antioxidant is one that targets and benefits the heart. There are many ingredients which actually work individually and in combination to make the heart stronger. The most active antioxidant alternatives are the flavonoids, and the resveratrol.

Why Do They Say a Red Wine Antioxidant is Good For the Heart?
In order to understand how it works, we have to look at the ingredients separately. The flavonoids are found (besides the red wine) in plenty in nuts, spices, seeds, coffee, and yellow vegetables or fruits. This element is extremely potent against bad cholesterol. At the same time, it promotes the formation of good cholesterol and reduces blood clotting which is one of the common reasons for heart attacks in geriatric persons.

The other active antioxidant ingredient is the resveratrol. This is found mostly in the skin of black grapes and in red wine. You will also find this in raspberries and peanuts. This antioxidant helps to fight against blood clotting, aids the regeneration of nerve cells, and prevents a host of cancers. This ingredient literally fights cancer since it can intervene successfully in all three cancer stages, i.e. first stage, promotion stage, and progress stage. It is also very active against infections, and swelling. It dilates blood vessels and reduces blood clots. In other words, it is just great overall health of your heart and body.

The only Reason Red Wine is Good For You, Is Because Of The Red Wine Antioxidant
There are many sayings that are popular around food habits. They say that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I do not know how true that it, but daily consumption of one or two glasses of red wine is definitely beneficial for you. You need to start today so the red wine antioxidant can be part of your arsenal against many diseases, that are more likely to attack you as and when you age. In the end, it’s not wise to drink too much, but making sure you drink red wine moderately will help ensure a better future for you.

Allergy immunology

The cells in our body must be able to breathe. It’s a process whereby our cells produce energy to keep our body moving and functioning. This process is called oxidation, and it involves various other processes to keep us alive and healthy.

The cells, when they do this, produce a waste-like element called free radicals. These radicals can be very harmful and lead to damage of our body tissues. These radicals lead to aging, muscle damage, weak immune system, and various diseases if left untreated. To fight this, we need anti oxidants in our body.

Anti oxidants are basically chemicals that reduce the rate of this oxidation. All cells in the body naturally contain complex systems of anti oxidants to prevent damages to the cell structure and built due to the oxidation. But this natural amount is not sufficient.

And that is why it is a requirement to have anti-oxidants in our body, either by intake of food or supplements. Our food daily must have sufficient amount of anti oxidants for our own health reason. Vegetables, fruits and other edible plants are important source of organic antioxidant chemicals.

Basically anti oxidants can be found everyday in our common type of foods. In short, any food containing vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, zinc, manganese, coenzyme Q10 have anti oxidant components inside.

Natural Resources
Some natural sources of food containing anti oxidants are fruits such as wild blueberries, cranberries, blackberries, prunes, raspberries, strawberries, apples, cherries, plums, and papayas, vegetables such as carrots, broccoli, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, green peppers, green leafy vegetables, brussel sprouts, cabbage, artichokes, asparagus, avocado, beans, beets, spinach and many more.

Medicines, Supplements and Food Additives
Besides a natural source of foods, there are also medicinal and dietary supplements which use anti oxidant ingredients for health purposes such as preventing cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Supplements such as vitamin C and vitamin A tablets and medicines are also source of anti oxidants to our body.

Even food additives nowadays have anti oxidants inside them. A few to name would be ascorbic acid, citric acid, acetic acid, rosmarinic acid, pectin, tocopherol, BHA, BHT, and EDTA.

Benefits and healing power
Anti oxidants are very important because they have much benefit. They help to reduce cellular damage, and this prepares our body from getting diseases such as degeneration, cataracts and other eye diseases, age-related neurodegeneration, cardiovascular diseases and even severe ones such cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Besides that, they help to keep our immune system in good shape as well.

Allergy cough and its remedy

Allergy cough is part of the allergy season that comes on the wings of every spring and then some more in the fall. If you are one of those allergy victims you must have experienced the horrible never-ending allergy cough that leaves you gasping for your breath. Cough is the most common allergy symptom for which people seek desperate medical attention and remedies.

What triggers this nasty allergy cough?

The usual seasonal allergy agents such as pollen, mold, animal dander, food products, dust and some medications can be one of the factors. The body induces a cough to clean itself from allergens and airways secretions.

Causes of allergy cough are:

  • Viral infection of the upper respiratory tract

  • Nasal and sinus allergy

  • Esophageal problems (i.e. GERD) and/or stomach problems

  • Environmental irritants

Treatment for allergy cough

Since coughing in general does not mean there is a problem; coughing beneficial for your body. However, if the same persists for more then two weeks and it gets worse at nights, it is a sign that you do need medical attention right away.

Only after a doctors examination will you be able to determine its exact cause and the treatment.

However water and other juice liquids are often some of the best cough remedies. These juices help to soothe the throat and moisten the mucus so it can be coughed up easily without pain.

You can also make a cough syrup at home by mixing one part lemon juice with two parts of honey. This can be used as often as you need. This home made cough syrup can be given to children from up to 1 year old.

There are also two most common types of cough medicines:

  • Expectorants this syrup helps the mucus make it easy to cough up.

  • Suppressants this syrup controls the cough reflex and works best on a dry cough that keeps you awake at night. However, very important to note is not to suppress a productive cough.

Allergy cough can be very challenging and at the same time painful. Always consult a doctor before taking any medications as they may end up causing you more harm them benefit.

Allergy cough can be kept under control just as the seasonal allergies with proper care and medications. This cough can be prevented if you avoid getting an allergy and stay away from allergens as much as possible.

What is Medical Malpractice?

In general, a definition of medical malpractice is, “Improper care or treatment by a physician, hospital, or other provider of health care.” It is important to note that there is a difference between complications resulting from a medical procedure, and a legitimate case of medical malpractice.

Possible Problems
Prior to surgery or a medical procedure, a patient is asked to sign at least one, if not several, forms indicating that they understand the risks and complications associated with the procedure. Death is usually one of the least likely problems, but it is common for a doctor or anesthesiologist to specifically mention it before you sign your documents. This is a necessity required to protect the doctor, hospital, or healthcare facility against claims of medical malpractice.

After the procedure is over, recuperation takes from a few hours to several weeks, and problems or complications that arise during the healing process are generally not medical malpractice issues. TV programs are highlighting difficulties of botched surgeries; people who are living with the results of the surgeries are generally not eligible for medical malpractice compensation. Likewise, there are scores of lawyers soliciting your business by offering to settle (or sue) for medical malpractice, but there is no guarantee that you have a case and, even if you do, there is no assurance that the settlement will amount to anywhere near the amount needed to sustain your for the period of your disability.

What isn’t Medical Malpractice?
If a patient develops an infection after treatment, and it is assumed to have happened during the surgery, no matter what complications result, the patient will have a very difficult time proving that any action the doctor or hospital did contributed to their situation. If an incision becomes infected, even if there is a worst-case scenario and the infection causes disfiguration and disability, they probably don’t have a medical malpractice case. If a surgical procedure to repair a problem with their neck leaves them with limited movement or use of their hand and arm, they often won’t have a medical malpractice situation.

What Constitutes Medical Malpractice?
Medical malpractice occurs when there is documented (or witnessed) evidence that something a healthcare professional did was an unacceptable standard or unacceptable practice in the treatment of a particular case. It is not easy to prove medical malpractice, and the drawn-out situation can be grueling. If the doctor isn’t licensed in the state where the procedure was performed, or not licensed at all, it is definitely time see a lawyer about medical malpractice. If the doctor’s office is dirty or the instruments aren’t sterile, there might be a case, if it can be proved, but there will also be the question of why someone chose to visit a doctor with a dirty office. If there is documentation that a procedure was performed incorrectly or that faulty equipment was used, there may be a case, but it may also be argued that the defective equipment is not adversely affecting the condition.