Wednesday, August 02, 2006

The Facts of Allergy Food Treatment

Allergy food treatment is a very serious affliction with very serious consequences.

Many food allergy victims suffer the most common symptom: swelling of the mouth and throat obstruction with difficulty in breathing normally.

Testing can be extremely difficult without a full knowledge of the food ingested by the afflicted. Treatment can only be implemented when fully convinced of the type of allergy.

There are four food reactions one should be aware of:

The classic food allergy .– let us take the classic fish/peanut allergy where the immediate effect can be seen with the swelling of the throat. Here the allergy food treatment requires adrenaline injections and oral resuscitation.

Another such allergy is triggered by fruit and vegetables, such as apple, tomato, peach and celery; here almost the same phenomenon occurs with the allergy located in the mouth and throat.

Food intolerance .– this is caused due to enzyme deficiencies and other mechanisms that copy allergic reactions but do not involve the immune system.

Here malabsorption may occur or adverse reaction to natural chemicals that food contains as well as allergy to food containing preservatives and colorants.

Food toxicity .– this is caused by contaminated (bacterial endotoxins) or poisoned food. These toxins may naturally exist in foods such as alkaloids in potatoes. A reaction takes place and the skin starts itching, rapid pulse as well as skin flushing occurs.

Food aversion .– where the person self induces the allergy, believing that a particular food gives him/her the allergy.

Food allergy treatment can only begin once you have determined what type of allergy you are suffering from. In order to get the right treatment in time, you must consult your doctor as soon to explain your reaction. Food allergy treatment can be crucial; the situation can quickly turn fatal with dire consequences.

Some potentially allergic foods in adults

Tree nuts, Brazil nut, hazelnut, almonds, walnuts, pistachio, cashew etc.
Fruit such as : peach, apple, strawberry etc.
Vegetables such as : tomato, parsley, celery, potatoes etc.

Up to 15% of the general population has reported some sort of adverse food reaction.

The general feeling amongst the common individuals is that doctors under diagnose and of course the doctors feel that they over diagnose. Some individuals just note having developed an adverse reaction with a particular food item and instead of seeking food allergy treatment they simply avoid the food without ever consulting a doctor.


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