Monday, August 07, 2006

Avoiding Contact Lens Infection

There are absolutely no doubts that contact lenses are one of the most in demand beautifying tool in the world. The fact that the cost is well within the reach of most people, also adds to its attraction.

Advantages of Contact Lens Use

The best thing in using contact lenses is that they makes you look good in most cases. Removing the glasses will show off your eyes and definitely improve the way you look.

The lenses get fixed on the eye, and hence allow you to work out or play many sports which are movement intensive. Glasses are a big hindrance when you need to run, or jump in the course of playing the majority of outdoor games.

The contact lenses are much more comfortable to wear than any type of glasses available.

Since the contacts can be worn the whole day continuously, it also improves your chances to get your eye sight in order in the shortest possible time.

Disadvantages of Contact Lens Use

Along with the blessing, there is always some curse. Here too, you will find few important disadvantages that come with wearing the contacts:

In order to feel good and be safe, you need to wash the contacts regularly (on a daily basis). This could be a bit cumbersome at times.

There is a very high chance to get contact lens infection when you use contacts for a long period of time without properly cleaning. If and when you think you have contact lens infection, you need to immediately check with your doctor on the treatment. Any delay in treating the contact lens infection may lead to loss of vision or the irreversible damage of the eye lens.

The contacts are small and they can slip away from your hands when you attempt to wear them, if your eyes water or even while washing your face.

It is easy to buy a good pair of contacts and it is great to wear these any time of the day or night, and sometimes the whole day and night. However, in order to avoid contact lens infection and the damage that this can cause your eyes, you need to follow a mandatory but simple rule of hygiene. The contacts need to be washed daily after removing it from the eyes and stored in the right manner at night. Read carefully the instructions given, and follow them to the T. Be safe always!


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